All About Productivity – Weekly Time Block Spreads
This month is all about productivity (and trial and error)! I created several different time-blocking layouts for the month of August and want to try them out. One thing I discovered is that I have a very boring schedule. It’s the same every day of the week. But I really enjoyed coming up with a month’s worth of weekly time block spreads to try out! I hope you find some inspiration. Let me know which one is your favorite in the comments below!

The Plan
After looking at several different time block layouts, I decided that I didn’t need to block out time for sleeping. I would track my ‘awake’ hours only and not fill space with scheduling my sleep. I made a time-blocking spread a couple of years ago (please don’t look, it’s embarrassing) and I still get questions about it.
Watch the Plan With Me Video Below & Be Sure to Subscribe!
Weekly Time block Spread Ideas & Layouts

Since time blocks take up so much room on the page, there are only a few ways I could think of to customize each page. Each one is slightly different, and in pursuit of productivity, I want to find out which layout I prefer. The first week I highlighted every other line – but I didn’t find that necessary after the first week.

Solve a Problem – Number Stickers

I figured with so many planners and spreads with time blocking, there must be something to it. But I’ve always hated writing the numbers over and over again. Because it never fails! I start daydreaming while I’m writing and I skip a number or get off sequence. I solved my problem by creating hourly time blocking stickers that work perfectly in a 5mm grid.
Since I’m tracking only my ‘awake’ hours, I cut the hours of the day I want and stick them to the page. That’s how they work for me, and it could work for you in your own way – and isn’t it about creating a method that works for us individually?
If you like the numbers, find them in my shop!
Do you use time-blocking? How does it work for you? What spreads have you used for your time blocking?

Here Are Some Great Supplies for Minimal Bullet Journaling

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