Learning New Things
I love the movie ‘Up’ and so this weekly spread is a nod to that adventure. Since that movie, I believe that balloons are a practical mode of transportation (hahah). Or not, but learning to paint balloons is something I’ve wanted to try for a long time. Their colors overlap and shine through to the next layer. Sometimes it is just fun to try something new. A note to those who are afraid of trying something new in your bullet journal: adventure is out there and once you’ve tasted that adventure, you might not want to go back.
Overall I think it was a good first attempt at paintings, some balloons seem more transparent than others – which was the intent! The key to learning to paint balloons is finding the sweet spot of when the ink is just about dry so it won’t bleed into the other balloons but just wet enough to fade slightly. I love learning new things and trying out new methods.
The Layout
I used this layout in December as well – when I created the Leg Lamp and it left a big open space to include some art. So why not learn to paint balloons? The weekly spread has plenty of space for appointments and tasks so it’s a great match for keeping track of all the things and for trying new adventures!

Process Video – Learning to Paint Balloons
Watch the process video below to see how I painted in the balloons. I used the same method of watercolor with markers as I have this whole month. I really like this technique – and I think I will continue to grow in the technique but only if I continue to practice. Practice stinks sometimes but it’s the only way to learn.
Passion for Learning Turned into a Passion for Bullet Journaling
I’ve never watercolored before about 6 months ago, and I can say it is a whole new process versus painting with acrylics (which is my only other frame of reference). One of my passions is to learn. I LOVE to learn new things and I love to read but hadn’t made time for it in my life. But since this post, I have started reading more – a LOT more. It’s like I don’t have an excuse anymore and I don’t want to make up an excuse.
How I Learn New Things
Audiobooks from the library have become my best friends, I listen to excerpts from books to find new books to read. And of course, kindle – I love marking books in Kindle and seeing the passages others have collectively marked as well. One other way to learn is on YouTube. YouTube and I go way back. That’s how I found bullet journaling! It, too, has become a passion (if you haven’t noticed). If there is something you want to try or learn – do it! I can’t tell you how free it makes you feel. It’s like part of your soul is soothed and ignited all at once.
I started handlettering not long ago – again because I wanted to learn it. What an adventure. I wonder sometimes where it’s been all my life, but I think that is kind of what a bullet journal does. It is a blank notebook calling for adventure, yearning for you to discover yourself within its pages. The dot-grid provides structure and yet freedom all at once. With handlettering, I have taken classes, done workbooks, written the same letter over and over, but the real teacher is time and practice.

Sharing the Passion
I love teaching what I learn to others, but I love learning from anyone willing to impart their knowledge and skill to me. Along those lines, I recently signed up for SkillShare (if you haven’t heard of it, it’s amazing). I’ve got a link below.
I plan on taking watercolor classes and as many as they offer. I’ve used SkillShare for less than a week, and I have already gone through 7 courses. You bet I went to Michael’s and got one of their $5 dot-grid notebooks and started taking notes. (That’s what I tell my husband – I really just wanted to try it out.)
There are tons of classes teaching brush lettering, calligraphy, I even took a class on time management and I am trying out some new techniques that I learned there. Ooooh – I also did one class on drawing botanicals – so maybe I can start including them in my bullet journal and I will finally get that theme.
I can’t help it, I am so excited and wanted to share this love with you.
New Learning = New Ideas
The more I learn, the more I want to share and I have sooooo many more ideas that I want to share with you, and if you have seen me on Instagram lately, I’ve given you some sneak peeks of what I’m planning. If you’re not following me there already, that’s where you’ll get the freshest ideas coming straight off my desk. (@ChocolateMusingsCreates)
What do you want to see from me? I’d love some ideas. I’d love to know what new thing you have learned recently as well. Whether it’s a new app or a new skill.
Whatever you are doing, remember to plan your life so you live beautifully and don’t be afraid to find your inner muse.