New May Weekly Layouts!
I’m testing out a new set of layouts for May! The May weekly layouts will be two to a page to accommodate less planning needs. Thinking about May’s plans (and on into June and July), I plan less and relax more. Sure, we will have a week of family vacation but other events are on the ‘unplanned’ side and ‘off-the-cuff’ decisions.
I work during the summer so my schedule stays the same. The only thing I need to worry about is my sitter for the kiddos and the occasional planned outing. Consolidating the weeklies will help ‘space waste’ across my spreads.
Creative planning or bullet journaling is so versatile! When you need more space, take more space, when you need less space, plan your spreads accordingly. This month I decided to try two weeks to a page and have two different spreads to try.
May Weekly Layouts
Watch the video below (be sure to subscribe for more content!) and see how I layout minimal planning and add bits of color to each page.
Summer Mode: Loading

My kiddos finish school the end of the month (before Memorial Day in the US) and about Mid-April we lazily fall into summer-mode. The days are warmer, the sun shines longer, the pollen is thicker (in the Southern United States, we have Winter, Pollen Season, Summer then comes Autumn), despite the yellow haze in the air and yellow film lacing my car from all the pollen, it feels like summer is coming.
Summer Plans = Planning Less?
Though we may do more during the summer, I tend to plan less. Rather than leaving whole pages blank due to lack of planning, I decided to condense May to two weeks to a spread. True to form, I always have to try more than one spread for the month and decide which I like best. The area of the squares is the same (same number of blocks) but the layout is different. I’m already loving the vertical layouts. The horizontal layouts don’t have a designated place for meal planning and that’s an important part of my budget, so I’ll have to add that back in.
Same Layout Different Backgrounds
Just to see how different a spread can look, I like to use different backgrounds for each spread. Vertical & horizontal. In this month’s spreads, I use diagonal, vertical and horizontal watercolor painted stripes plus the last week uses circles instead for a completely different feel.
It’s just my way of making each page different when they are essentially the same.

Are you ok with leaving blank space in your planner when life is less planned, or do you condense everything down?