April Random Holidays: Add Joy to Your Everyday
With the world on lock-down right now, I think it would do us all some good to include some random ways to celebrate this April. You’re invited to check out the April Random Holidays I’m featuring below. P.s. There are SO many more fun days out there! So if you want to find more holidays, I have links to all of the sources for April random holidays + all the other months. I’m sure you’ll find something you want to celebrate.
You can also check out the entire list of Random Holidays Archive for each month.

Why do I Celebrate Random Holidays?
I know I spent a lot of time waiting for joy to come to me, why did it take me so long to realize that I had to go look for it? I had to be the one to add it to my days. So when I came across a few sites celebrating random holidays, I decided to celebrate a few here and there. After a while, I knew I had to share this joy with you.
Just like counting your blessings or writing in a gratitude log helps you see the good things in your life, sometimes it’s necessary to find ways to brighten your days. I know I feel like I trudge my way through the week just waiting for the weekend. Then the weekend is over far too quickly, and I’m on to the next week, waiting for the following weekend then the next. I don’t want to live my life for the weekend I want to have joy every day!
Not long after we started celebrating random holidays, I noticed my kids started asking when a holiday came up. What’s more, is they started paying attention to the holidays mentioned at school and would be so excited to share how they celebrated with me.
April Random Holidays
There are so many days to choose from, and I collected a few which suit my family & life. You are welcome to select your own and celebrate – you don’t have to use my list! Many of the holidays repeat on the same day of the month every year so you could find yourself with a new yearly tradition.
Happiness Holidays
The pursuit of happiness is a big deal to me. So naturally I have to feature holidays which create snippets of joy. I hope you and your family find some snippets as well.
3rd – World Party Day #WorldPartyDay
6th – Pillow fight day #PillowFightDay – Repeats on the 1st Saturday.
I’m not sure whether I should classify this as a genuinely random holiday or if I should list it under happiness. I guess it depends on who you fight!
9th – Name Yourself Day #NationalNameYourselfDay #NameYourselfDay
13 – National Scrabble Day #NationalScrabbleDay – in spite of how competitive I am, I love scrabble except when I have a time limit.
16th – High Five Day #HighFiveDay – Repeats the 3rd Thursday of April
16th – Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #WearYourPajamastoWorkDay – what a great excuse to wear my pajamas all day.
23rd – World Book Day #Worldbookday – I think that books are a source of happiness. Do you think so, too?
30th – National Honesty Day #nationalhonestyday – I don’t know of much more that makes me feel happier than having a clear conscience.
Art/Creativity Days
7th – National Handmade Day #NationalHandmadeDay
15th – Rubber Eraser Day #nationalrubbereraserday – finally, the eraser gets some recognition for its contribution to our various art projects. Without an eraser within arm’s reach, I think I’d give up on creating.
Outdoor Holidays
3rd – Find a Rainbow Day #NationalFindARainbowDay – what a great way to look at the positive side.
5th – National Dandelion Day #dandelionday #nationaldandelionday
5th – Read a Road Map Day #NationalReadARoadMapDay – I suppose that you could read a road map inside. But wouldn’t it be better to read it in a convertible with the top down?
6th – California Poppy Day #californiapoppyday #fieldsofgold – I love poppies, but admittedly I’ve never seen a field of poppies.
22nd – Earth Day #EarthDay
23rd – National Picnic Day #nationalpicnicday – after cleaning up the earth for Earth day – celebrate with a picnic!
Indoor Related Holidays
4th – National Walk Around Things Day #WalkAroundThingsDay – despite my best efforts, I tend to celebrate this day every day.
7th – National No Housework Day #NationalNoHouseworkDay – would you agree with me that this is the best day ever? I’m in!
15th – National Laundry Day #nationallaundryday – I guess we are all making up for the no housework day from earlier in the month.
Animal-Related Random Holidays
8th – National Zoo Lover’s Day #nationalzooloversday Our best day at the zoo was on a day that rained so hard, not many people stayed after it started raining and the animals all came out to play.
9th – National Unicorn Day #NationalUnicornDay
10th – National Farm Animals Day #NationalFarmAnimalsDay – Check out this post for some fun farm animal doodle ideas.
11th – National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
Food Holidays
3rd – National Chocolate Mousse Day #ChocolateMousseDay
5th – National Caramel Day #NationalCaramelDay
6th – National Caramel Popcorn Day #caramelpopcornday – following caramel day, add some of that sticky goodness to coat your popcorn.
18th – National Animal Crackers Day #NationalAnimalCrackersDay – what about the pink and white ones? I’ve all but forgotten those tasty treats from my childhood. Now, I think I’ll have to find some for my kids.
22nd – National Jelly Bean Day #NationalJellyBeanDay
26th – National Pretzel Day #nationalpretzelday
30th – National Oatmeal Cookie Day #NationalOatmealCookieDay #OatmealCookieDay (start out by checking out my October’s Random Holiday for my Favorite Cookie Recipe)
April Random Holidays
1st – National One Cent Day – #NationalOneCentDay
6th – National Tartan Day #NationalTartanDay – I had to throw this one in here just for my husband since he has a Scottish line in his genealogy. Do you have anyone in your family with Scottish heritage?
15th – Take a Wild Guess Day #takeawildguessday – on account of this holiday and national laundry day sharing the same date, you should take a wild guess of how many loads of laundry I have stacked up. If you guessed between 4 to 10, you’re likely right.
20th – National Look Alike Day #nationallookalikeday
23rd – Talk like Shakespeare Day #TalkLikeShakespeareDay – Without a doubt, Shakespeare has some amazing one-liner quotes. Find some of my favorite Shakespeare quotes – perfect for your planner.
28th – National Superhero Day #NationalSuperheroDay #SuperheroDay Who is your favorite superhero? Superman tops my list mainly because he can fly.
29th – National Zipper Day #nationalzipperday
Shakespeare Quotes in The Shop
State Holiday Celebrations
5th – Nebraska Day #NationalNebraskaDay – when we drove through Nebraska, I learned that it has a lot of cornfields, however, share if there is something more I need to know about this large, flat state.
12th – National Colorado Day #NationalColoradoDay
19th – North Dakota Day #NationalNorthDakotaDay
26th – National South Dakota Day #NationalSouthDakotaDay
State Holidays
In celebration of the state’s statehood birthday, each month, the honored state will be on sale! I created 8 variations for each state, and they make lovely wall displays. Print it out, and frame it, and show it off! They make great gifts! All the states are available in my shop!
Need Some Ideas for Creating Using Random Holidays as Your Inspiration?
That sounds fun. Here are some ways you can be creative!
- Letter the name of the holiday (want to learn to hand letter? Here’s where to start handlettering.)
- Write it in funky fonts (check out this post for ideas.)
- Take a picture (I heard selfies are a thing 😜).
- Doodle the holiday
- Paint a picture of the holiday or you celebrating the holiday.
- Write a blog post or journal entry.
- Create a planner spread.
- Create a color palette inspired by the holiday.
- What imaginary character or Disney Princess would most likely celebrate this holiday?
- What colors should we choose for this holiday?
- Make a favorite dish or create a new recipe in honor of the day.
- If the holiday had a mascot, what would it be?
- Don’t let my ideas limit you. Find something that inspires you, and create!
If you don’t create anything – spend the time with your family or friends! It’s all about creating a better, more fulfilling life. I believe these silly, random holidays help add a little smile to your face and a bit more laughter to your days. Choose to add joy to your life.
Random Holidays – Google Calendar
After celebrating different holidays for over a year, I decided to create a Google Calendar to see all the holidays I’d love to celebrate. It makes it easy to share creations, words, and ideas on social media and with friends and family. The best part about Google calendars is that you can toggle them on and off when you don’t want to see them.
If you click on the calendar item, it has a link to the source & relevant hashtags! I’m always evolving this calendar – and I will add calendar days or corrections all the time.
Tip: The calendar will show the current month, you can navigate to the month of your choice by using the arrows or dropdown.
If you want to add my calendar to your Google calendar:
- Go to your Google calendars and click the + next to other calendars
- Choose ‘add other calendars.’
- Then click Subscribe to Calendar
- After that, paste the text below in the “add calendar.”
- Toggle the schedule on and off when you want to access it – that’s what I do.
I won’t list all the random holidays, but just the ones that work with ChocolateMusings.com – so, of course, you’ll see a lot of food, art, creativity & some miscellaneous holidays are thrown in as well.
Random Holiday Links:
Choose The Holidays Right for You
What if you don’t like the holidays I choose? Below are links to the other random holiday sites I found – pick your favorites and celebrate the ones that resonate with you! It’s about breaking out of the monotony and creating your happiness.
Find more to celebrate – I compiled my random holidays from the websites below. There are so many holidays to enjoy! If you find a day you’d like me to feature – leave me a note below!
- Nationaldaycalendar.com
- Nationaltoday.com
- daysoftheyear.com
- checkiday.com
- heywhatday.com
- Timeanddate.com
- holidayinsights.com
- wildcalendar.com
- thereisadayforthat.com
Random Holiday Archives

Do you need more reasons to celebrate? I know I do! Find my random holiday archives here, PLUS find more ideas & ways to celebrate random holidays. Browse through all of my hand-picked holidays grouped by month. Give your family a reason to #randomlycelebrate.
By the way, if you’d like to find out more about a holiday, check the links in the random holiday archive. You’ll find all the random holiday sources I used to compile my favorites list. Click on one of the entries in the Random Holidays Calendar for even more details!
By the way, you can add the Google Calendar to your calendar list and always have random holidays at your fingertips – each calendar entry has a direct link to the original source and the social media hashtag recommendation. (Tip: You can toggle on and off the calendar as needed!) Check out the random holiday archives here!