In this post, you’ll find 200+ Word of the Year Ideas to help ignite your motivation, live intentionally, and set a course for success for the coming year.
Do you set a word or phrase of the year? I never bought into it until I started using a bullet journal and started writing and recording my goals. Once I started recording my goals and tasks and started seeing the bigger picture for my life, it was almost natural to gravitate towards a word of the year.
After all, if Merriam-Webster can choose a word of the year, so can you. By the way, you can always shorten ‘word of the year’ to WOTY or WotY. You might find some interesting hashtags on Instagram, although you might find some inspiring women of the year posts instead.
Originally posted in 2019, revised in 2022.
Table of contents
- Choose a Word of the Year
- How to Choose
- Word of the Year Ideas Words Starting With the Letter A, B, C & D
- Word of the Year Ideas – E – F – G
- Word of the Year Ideas H – I – J – K
- Word of the Year Ideas – L – M – N – O – P – Q
- Word of the Year Ideas – R – S- T – U – V- W – X – Y – Z
- Ideas for Displaying Your Word of the Year
- Once You’ve Chosen Your Word

Choose a Word of the Year
For those skeptics or who don’t know where to start, I created a list of 200+ potential candidates for your word of the year (Updated & Refreshed November 2022!). This is not a comprehensive list by any means. Instead, it’s a place to start compiling Word of the Year Ideas.
In November 2021, I updated the list to include words like accept, ask, and bold. I also included words like ‘show up,’ which is what I decided to use for my word(s) of the year in 2022.
How to Choose
Read through the list and notate which one(s) jump out to you. Then think about what you want to accomplish next year and choose a word to help you along the way.
If the word doesn’t quite fit, use a variation of the word to make it fit you and your aspirations.
Instead of Word of the Year – Choose Words of the Month or Quarter
If you can’t seem to choose a word of the year, another idea is to choose a word of the quarter or a word of the month. Choose your focus and then strive to follow that focus for that time. Coordinate your goals and habits to correspond with your word of the year/month/quarter.
Maybe you’ve read the 12-Week Year or work month-to-month on projects; if this is the case, you might choose to set a new word of the year every quarter or even choose a word of the month. Do what feels best for you. After all, your word of the year (or month or quarter) should benefit you, not hinder your progress.
Whatever you do, be sure to revisit your goals every once in a while and assess your progress. Often it’s not just a steady progression. Little corrections throughout the month, week, or day help you stay on track.
Word of the Year Ideas
Words Starting With the Letter A, B, C & D
Align your aspirations, be authentic, act and aspire. Whatever your word of the year is, here are 200+ ideas for you to find your focus. Be sure to pin some images so you can come back year after year to choose a new word.
Find your Clarity! Create consistent content, or just find the courage to choose your course for the year. Distinguish this year and dedicate your efforts by defining your word. Discover your potential and get things done through diligent work and dedication. Declare this year your own.
How can you fit your word of the year into a sentence to motivate & inspire you throughout the coming months?

- Accept
- Acclaimed
- Accomplish
- Act
- Admirable
- Adventure
- Align
- All
- All In
- Always
- Appreciate
- Approve
- Ask
- Aspire
- Attention
- Authentic
- Balance
- Be
- Beam
- Beautiful
- Beauty
- Before
- Behold
- Believe
- Better
- Bliss
- Bloom
- Bold
- Brave
- Breathe
- Brilliant
- Bubbly
- Build
- Calm
- Capable
- Care
- Carefree
- Careful
- Caring
- Celebrate
- Challenge
- Champion
- Change
- Charming
- Choice
- Choose
- Clarity
- Class
- Classic
- Classy
- Commendable
- Commit
- Complete
- Confidence
- Connect
- Conquer
- Content
- Consistent
- Constant
- Contribute
- Courage
- Create
- Cultivate
- Dance
- Dare
- Dazzle
- Decide
- Declare
- Dedication
- Deepen
- Define
- Delightful
- Dependable
- Determination
- Devotion
- Diligent
- Discover
- Distinguished
- Dive
- Divine
- Do
- Done
- Dream
Word of the Year Ideas – E – F – G

- Earnest
- Effective
- Efficient
- Elegant
- Elevate
- Embody
- Embrace
- Emerge
- Empathy
- Empower
- Energized
- Enlighten
- Enough
- Envision
- Excel
- Excellent
- Excellence
- Exhale
- Experience
- Explore
- Fabulous
- Fair
- Faith
- Familiar
- Family
- Fantastic
- Favorable
- Fearless
- Find
- Fit
- Fitting
- Flexible
- Flourish
- Flourishing
- Fly
- Focus
- Follow-through
- Forgive
- Form
- Forward
- Foster
- Fortunate
- Fortune
- Free
- Freedom
- Friends
- Fun
- Gather
- Gift
- Give
- Glamorous
- Glow
- Go
- Goals
- God
- Good
- Grace
- Grant
- Gratitude
- Grounded
- Grow
- Gumption
- Guts
Word of the Year Ideas H – I – J – K

- Habit
- Happiness
- Happy
- Heal
- Healthy
- Heart
- Heavenly
- Help
- Holy
- Honor
- Hope
- Horizon
- Humility
- Idea
- Illuminate
- Imagine
- Immerse
- Impressive
- Improve
- Independent
- Innovative
- Inspire
- Instruct
- Intention
- Intuition
- Journey
- Joy
- Jubilant
- Kind
- Kindred
- Kindle
Word of the Year Ideas – L – M – N – O – P – Q

- Laugh
- Lead
- Learn
- Legacy
- Lemonade
- Less
- Life
- Lift
- Limitless
- Live
- Listen
- Look
- Love
- Lovely
- Make
- Master
- Masterful
- Meaning
- Merciful
- Mighty
- Mindful
- Moment
- More
- Motivated
- Natural
- No
- One
- One Hundred Percent
- Open
- Optimistic
- Organize
- Paradise
- Patience
- Pause
- Peace
- Persist
- Pilot
- Pivot
- Pleasant
- Please
- Plentiful
- Positive
- Positivity
- Powerful
- Present
- Productive
- Profound
- Progress
- Prosper
- Pure
- Purpose
- Quality
- Quiet
Word of the Year Ideas – R – S- T – U – V- W – X – Y – Z

- Ready
- Reason
- Reassure
- Reflect
- Refresh
- Regenerate
- Reliable
- Renew
- Return
- Reset
- Resilience
- Respect
- Rest
- Restart
- Restore
- Rewarding
- Right
- Rise
- Rock
- Safe
- Secure
- See
- Seek
- Self
- Self-Care
- Serenity
- Serve
- Share
- Shift
- Shine
- Show Up
- Sing
- Skill
- Slow
- Smile
- Soul
- Space
- Sparkle
- Special
- Stay
- Steadfast
- Steady
- Strength
- Strive
- Strong
- Success
- Sunny
- Sunrise
- Supply
- Support
- Sustain
- Test
- Thankful
- Think
- Timely
- Thorough
- Thrilling
- Thrive
- Tranquil
- Transform
- Transformation
- Travel
- Treasure
- True
- Trust
- Truth
- Try
- Unconditional
- Upbeat
- Update
- Uplift
- Value
- Vibe
- Victory
- Vision
- Vivacious
- Voice
- Welcome
- Win
- Wise
- Whole
- Willing
- Write
- Wonder
- Work
- Wow
- Yes!
- Zeal
- Zest
Ideas for Displaying Your Word of the Year
Here are a few ideas to display your word of the year – as a reminder daily for motivation to keep plugging along at your goals.
Write your word on a sticky note and attach it to your mirror. This is a great place for daily reminders for any affirmations you want to repeat to yourself and a perfect place for your word of the year. You could create a framed reference of your word or phrase near a light switch or place an index card on your car’s dashboard.
Since my bullet journal is probably my most used object, I added my word of the year to the cover as a constant reminder of what I wanted to accomplish. So as a way for you to see your word of the year regularly, pay attention to what you use consistently and add your phrase or word near that object.
I advise placing your word in strategic locations around your house so you will see the word, and it can act as a reminder of the goals you want to accomplish. I’d love to hear your ideas and strategies for keeping your word of the year top of mind.

Once You’ve Chosen Your Word
What do you do now that you’ve chosen a word of the year? Write it down! Post it up so you can see it every day. Think about how it makes you feel and what you want to accomplish. After you write the word, create a planner spread or list of things you want to do throughout the year.
Whatever you do, make sure you see that word regularly so you’re reminded of your motivation.
Schedule time to review your progress and adjust your everyday living to align yourself with your goals. I’ll add a note to review my goals on a specific date or in my future log on a particular month so I don’t forget.
At the end of the year, be sure to jot down what you did, how you did it, and pointers for improvement. I’m sure as a result of your persistence and subtle reminders. You’ll see a difference.
Looking for More Inspiration?

Quotes are and forever will be among my favorite things in this world. So I will strive to share more with you. View my list of quote-related blog posts.