May Random Holidays – 2020
Here are your May 2020 Random Holidays! With the current global situation happening right now, I think it’s even more important to find reasons to celebrate randomly. I think it’s essential to break the rut of playing on our devices or watching endless TV and create or find those nuggets of joy hiding in plain sight.
At the bottom of the post, you’ll find other suggested ways of celebrating. I hope some of them will give you inspiration or ideas to include these holidays in your life.
You can browse the Random Holiday Archives or add a Random Holiday Calendar as a Google Calendar (see the bottom of the post) for instructions/links.

Random Holiday Archives

Do you need more reasons to celebrate? I know I do! Find my random holiday archives here, PLUS find more ideas & ways to celebrate random holidays. Browse through all of my hand-picked holidays grouped by month. Give your family a reason to #randomlycelebrate.
By the way, if you’d like to find out more about a holiday, check the links in the random holiday archive. You’ll find all the random holiday sources I used to compile my favorites list. Click on one of the entries in the Random Holidays Calendar for even more details!
By the way, you can add the Google Calendar to your calendar list and always have random holidays at your fingertips – each calendar entry has a direct link to the original source and the social media hashtag recommendation. (Tip: You can toggle on and off the calendar as needed!) Check out the random holiday archives here!
Skip Right to a Month to Start Celebrating:
The Beginning of Random Holidays
I started celebrating random holidays with my family over a year ago. We started celebrating to add little more joy to our everyday lives. It seems like we live for the weekend, and it always went by far too quickly. Most weeks or months were a blur, and we didn’t remember anything specific.
We never stopped to smell the roses.
I don’t know about you, but I want to have moments in my life that stand out. Ones that I remember and my kids will bring up and we can laugh about when they are grown.
After finding a few random holidays to celebrate, I decided that I couldn’t be the only person who longed for more reasons to celebrate. I decided to introduce random holidays on my blog to help families stop for a bit to create memories within their families.
What We Did in April to Randomly Celebrate
In April, we celebrated ‘wear pajamas to work day‘ (in fact, we wore pajamas every day that week). I think it’s safe to say that many people celebrated that day whether or not they knew about it since so many people are working from home. If you’re working from home, did you celebrate ‘wear pajamas to work day’? I think the more important question is – if you’re not working from home, did you observe that day?
My kids planned all week to celebrate with our cat, Baghera (named for the black panther in the Jungle Book), on National Pet Day. They wished they could celebrate early before the ‘official’ day on the calendar. I love their enthusiasm and, of course, told them that they could celebrate early and longer than on the schedule.
May 2020 Random Holidays List
There are so many holidays to choose from! You are welcome to explore and find more holidays to suit your family’s taste. Here are the highlights for my May 2020 random holidays list. I think they messed up on the sequence of lost sock memorial day and clean your room day. I believe that they should switch the two and not have a memorial until after you know for sure it’s lost. Haha!

Food Holidays
First of all, I love featuring food holidays. So I find as many as I can to showcase, here. Do me a favor (flavor?) if you find any other food holidays, leave a comment below. I’d love to add more to the list. It’s not just about eating all the food, sometimes it’s fun to paint or doodle food instead. All I know, is that food holidays create a bond with others and I’m happy to enhance that bond.
2- National Truffle Day #NationalTruffleDay
6- National Beverage Day #NationalBeverageDay
8 – Have a Coke Day #NationalHaveACokeDay
8 – National Coconut Cream Pie Day #CoconutCreamPieDay
11 – Eat What You Want Day #EatWhatYouWantDay (Thank you, and finally!)
13 – Apple Pie Day #NationalApplePieDay
15 – Chocolate Chip Day #ChocolateChipDay
19 – National Devil’s Food Cake Day #devilsfoodcakeday
20 – Pick Strawberries Day
21 – Strawberries & Cream #StrawberriesAndCreamDay
24 – Escargot Day #NationalEscargotDay
25 – Waffle Day #waffleday
28 – Hamburger Day #NationalHamburgerDay
Cleaning Days
Admittedly, cleaning is a necessary evil. Of course, we could just not clean. But I don’t think we want to live in squalor or have the option to hire a maid (I SO want to hire a maid!). So why not celebrate while cleaning?
9 – Lost Sock Memorial Day #LostSockMemorialDay
10 – Clean Your Room Day #CleanUpYourRoomDay
18- National No Dirty Dishes Day #NoDirtyDishesDay
Random Days Just for Fun
I remember getting the newspaper and looking for the funnies on Sunday mornings (does that show my age??). My husband still reads comics every day online. I tried to create a comic in my bullet journal once, and honestly, I’d love to create more. Do you have a favorite cartoon?
5 – World Laughter Day #LaughterDay
5 – National Cartoonists Day #NationalCartoonistsDay
14 – Dance Like a Chicken Day #DanceLikeAChickenDay
23 – Lucky Penny Day #LuckyPennyDay
24 – National Scavenger Hunt Day #scavengerhunt
26 – National Paper Airplane Day #paperairplaneday
30 – Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay
31 – Smile Day #NationalSmileDay
State Holiday Celebrations
3 – Montana Day #NationalMontanaDay
17 – Idaho Day #NationalIdahoDay
24 – Wyoming Day #NationalWyomingDay
31 – Utah Day #NationalUtahDay
State Holidays
In celebration of the state’s statehood birthday, each month, the honored state will be on sale! I created 8 variations for each state, and they make lovely wall displays. Print it out, and frame it, and show it off! They make great gifts! All the states are available in my shop!
State Outline – Wyoming$10.00
State Outline – Utah$10.00
State Outline – Montana$10.00
State Outline – Idaho$10.00
Other Random Holidays to Celebrate in May
The theme in my bullet journal is space/planets since we are celebrating not only Star Wars Day but Astronaut Day, I think the theme is perfect for this month.
When I was reading the different random holidays for May, at first, I thought, “why do we need a day to celebrate paperclips?” But then I realized that I have so many paperclips nestled in my drawer. And the thing is, they are not just regular paperclips! They are pretty, and so I should celebrate them!
1 – Mother Goose Day #NationalMotherGooseDay
4 – Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay
5 – Astronaut Day #WeBelieveInAstronauts & #NationalAstronautDay
12 – National Odometer Day #NationalOdometerDay
20 – World Bee Day #WorldBeeDay
29 – National Paperclip Day #nationalpaperclipday
What Days Will You Celebrate?
After reading through the random holidays listed, which days do you plan on adding to your calendar? Are there any you could sneak in and surprise your family with a little treat or fun activity? Even if it’s making paper airplanes on the 26th with your kids, that’s randomly celebrating.
Here are a few that we will celebrate. Can you guess which ones? Leave me a comment below with your answers.

Like celebrating a birthday, these insignificant days might just become the joy that your family looks forward to every year.
Whichever days you choose to celebrate, I hope you find that these moments add joy to your life. After all, that is my goal: to spread a little bit of joy here and there to overworked and tired families so you can see a glimmer of hope in your lives.
Need Some Ideas for Creating Using Random Holidays as Your Inspiration?
That sounds fun. Here are some ways you can be creative!
- Letter the name of the holiday (want to learn to hand letter? Here’s where to start handlettering.)
- Write it in funky fonts (check out this post for ideas.)
- Take a picture (I heard selfies are a thing 😜).
- Doodle the holiday
- Paint a picture of the holiday or you celebrating the holiday.
- Write a blog post or journal entry.
- Create a planner spread.
- Create a color palette inspired by the holiday.
- What imaginary character or Disney Princess would most likely celebrate this holiday?
- What colors should we choose for this holiday?
- Make a favorite dish or create a new recipe in honor of the day.
- If the holiday had a mascot, what would it be?
- Don’t let my ideas limit you. Find something that inspires you, and create!
If you don’t create anything – spend the time with your family or friends! It’s all about creating a better, more fulfilling life. I believe these silly, random holidays help add a little smile to your face and a bit more laughter to your days. Choose to add joy to your life.
Random Holidays – Google Calendar
After celebrating different holidays for over a year, I decided to create a Google Calendar to see all the holidays I’d love to celebrate. It makes it easy to share creations, words, and ideas on social media and with friends and family. The best part about Google calendars is that you can toggle them on and off when you don’t want to see them.
If you click on the calendar item, it has a link to the source & relevant hashtags! I’m always evolving this calendar – and I will add calendar days or corrections all the time.
Tip: The calendar will show the current month, you can navigate to the month of your choice by using the arrows or dropdown.
If you want to add my calendar to your Google calendar:
- Go to your Google calendars and click the + next to other calendars
- Choose ‘add other calendars.’
- Then click Subscribe to Calendar
- After that, paste the text below in the “add calendar.”
- Toggle the schedule on and off when you want to access it – that’s what I do.
I won’t list all the random holidays, but just the ones that work with ChocolateMusings.com – so, of course, you’ll see a lot of food, art, creativity & some miscellaneous holidays are thrown in as well.
Random Holiday Links:
Choose The Holidays Right for You
What if you don’t like the holidays I choose? Below are links to the other random holiday sites I found – pick your favorites and celebrate the ones that resonate with you! It’s about breaking out of the monotony and creating your happiness.
Find more to celebrate – I compiled my random holidays from the websites below. There are so many holidays to enjoy! If you find a day you’d like me to feature – leave me a note below!
- Nationaldaycalendar.com
- Nationaltoday.com
- daysoftheyear.com
- checkiday.com
- heywhatday.com
- Timeanddate.com
- holidayinsights.com
- wildcalendar.com
- thereisadayforthat.com