March 2018 Plan With Me: Weekly Layouts
This month’s weekly layouts/spreads are very simple, but I used a couple of my very favorites. Don’t get me wrong I love to try new things and paint in my journal, but I also like to plan a productive month. Sometimes you just need a month without frills and these two designs are minimal, functional, and lovely if I do say so myself. Watch the set-up video below for how I set up the weeklies this month with the two different layouts I used.Reverse “To Do List”
One new thing included in each week is the #InMy10Minutes section. It’s kind of like a reverse to-do list. Where I take 10 minutes per day (sometimes multiple segments), and I try to get as much done in those few minutes as I possibly can. Then I take just a minute to jot down what I did. This action combats the feeling of inadequacies. It also helps me realize that even on days where I feel like I got nothing done, that is not true.

Don’t Get Caught Up in the Inadequacies

Some Weeks Are NO JOKE!
Despite my best-laid plans, some weeks just knock you down. However, since I spent the whole of March planning ahead, a whole week out didn’t completely frustrate me, I’m behind, but not frustrated. So this is how I logged a week with strep, double ear infections, and a hacked computer.
Next Month’s Plans
Next month I’ve planned out all sorts of circles – what goes better than circles than space & planets?Question:
Do you have a go-to spread for your weekly or daily pages?