A Confession of Unfinished Projects
How unfinished projects seem to take over my life, and how I broke out of a rut and coaxed creativity to come out of hiding.
I get all wrapped up in so many big and small projects. Then thinking that the best way to get the things done, I constrain my creativity and it all backfires, and a week later I’m waking up from a veritable coma of uninspired late nights where I accomplished nothing except me feeling sorry for myself and the amazement of how much time has passed.
A Confession of Unfinished Projects
I confess: I’ve fallen into a slump, I tried to blame it on ‘monthly’ woes, but that’s not going to work anymore. I just can’t find the motivation to do the things that I usually do. There are so many unfinished projects needing attention that I don’t know where to start. Moping around for the past few days wishing I had the energy or the deep-down willpower to just muscle through skip a few days of sleep to get everything done.
I know many people fall into this dazed state where they don’t know where to begin or what needs attention the most. For me, it’s unedited raw videos sit waiting on my hard drive. Images in various stages of editing, and ideas floating around my head and never doing anything about them. All of these unfinished projects vie for a snippet of time, and I am trying to keep them all straight but never focus on one.
There is my problem.
The Problem
The problem is my focus (or lack of focus). Choosing one thing during a block of time to complete (and be entirely done) and then move to the next. The other problem is trying to remember everything. Um… I bullet journal remember? That magical dotted notebook is supposedly the keeper of my secrets, my tasks, my second brain! That’s a big problem, and I wasn’t using the most obvious solution to help me organize these projects.
How Did I Get Here?
Recognizing the path that brought me to this point is essential so I don’t repeat the same mistake again. Why didn’t I just use the obvious solution of using my bullet journal to organize these unfinished projects?
I realized that the reason I didn’t use a bullet journal to organize myself is that I am moving into a new notebook and haven’t transferred over spreads yet. In fact, to combat having to go through this move situation in the future, I am moving into two notebooks: one for planning and one for collections.
In the middle of that transition… well… I decided to put together some tutorials using my real-life experience to create these tutorials. But since I was moving into a new notebook, I had nothing to guide me and tried to do it all in my brain and became overwhelmed. If I had had a journal to help me keep the tutorials straight, I would not be in this mess. Aaaaaah, classic catch 22.
The Solution for Unfinished Projects – Why Didn’t I Think of That Before?
In my collections notebook, I made a list of my unfinished projects. HUGE ‘duh’ moment – why didn’t I think of that before? I considered scrawling a quick list of projects. Unfortunately, that is the type of list I will ignore once it’s written. If I’ve learned anything about myself by bullet journaling, it’s that it’s got to be ‘pretty.’ I feel like a bee attracted to beautiful and fragrant flowers. But in this case, I didn’t want to spend a lot of time creating this ‘project list’.
I lettered the title and then sketched in the projects – but I left it unfinished. Fitting for a page that highlighted the unfinished projects in my life. I decided to ‘finish’ the boxes one-by-one as I completed each project. Once the page was complete, I’d create another ‘unfinished projects’ page and continue the trend.
The Solution: Have a Keeping Place
Mind-map is one of my favorite ways to layout ideas on a page. For one thing, it doesn’t place importance on any one idea. You start with a central theme and spread out. There are apps and software to create intricate mind maps, but mine rarely go more than a couple of levels deep. For example, my 10-minute task list was a mind map.
Keep It Organized
Even if I am in the middle of moving notebooks, I need to make sure I have a place to keep ideas organized. When I organize my ideas, it makes ME feel more organized and confident. When I am confident, I’m pretty sure I can take on the world.
It’s Got To Be Pretty
Oh, and it needs to have a pretty header. Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and a place for quick note-taking and ‘brain dumps’ but if I intend to spend any time on the page, it has to be attractive. The goal here is to choose a project and get it done not feel more scatterbrained after I look at the page.
This spread is a ‘brain dump’ or idea log of sorts, but it’s more than that. It’s a place where I can sort through all unfinished items and figure out where to focus first. And knowing where to focus is what got me into trouble in the first place.
The After-Effects of This Realization
As I unleashed my creativity and watched my brush pen slowly mark the page lettering the words ‘Unfinished Projects’. I made another realization: when I restrict my creativity and restrain myself from writing, drawing, painting or creating in any form because these do not complete the to-do list I rebel and instead do nothing.
‘Idea Keeping’ is Like Beekeeping?
I’m going to think of this page as ‘idea keeping’ kind of like beekeeping without the stings and the buzzing. If I want the sweet stuff (finished projects), I need to have a place for the bees (ideas) to come home but allow them the freedom to explore, just like giving myself creative freedom to explore. (This is a fun idea! I think I may have to see where that one takes me).
Allow Creativity
There will be some days that are more productive than others. If I have learned anything from this experience, it is that creativity spurs my productivity and restricting frustrates me. Taking a lesson from the 10-minute task list, if I need to get things done but am itching to create something, I need to give myself just a few minutes and listen to my inner muse without restriction. Doing this frees my brain to think and organize subconsciously, which, ironically is just the thing that I need.
Sometimes we are our own worst enemies when it comes to productivity and creativity.
Choose the First Thing
I’ve honest so far, so here’s a little more honesty. I am going to choose the easiest thing to check off my list and ignite the momentum. It feels good to get something done, and now that is important to keep me going. I feel the spark again, and it’s lovely. I am sure there will be follow-ups to this post. This breakthrough in creativity has spurred many other ideas. It’s nice to have the spark alive in my soul again.
What do you do to break out a slump?
My solutions are:
- realize why I got here (to prevent for the future)
- write down all the things I need to do
- make it pretty (so I want to look at it again)
- allow time for creativity and not restrict it (helps me mentally sort through the tasks)
- choose something from the list and get it done to create momentum (choosing the easiest thing is the fastest way to create that momentum)
All of this will enable me to focus which is essential for feeling accomplished. I know I don’t get anything done when I bounce around from thing to thing, but if I give myself 10 minutes to do something that has bothered me, I can then turn my attention to other tasks done.
I’d love to know what you do let me know in the comments below.
Remember to plan your life so you live beautifully and don’t be afraid to find your inner muse.
January Week #4: My Bullet Journal Fails (so far) & What You Should Do if You Fail
I see lots of comments on Facebook all the time in various groups “I hate the spread I created, I want to throw this notebook away or just start a new one” or “I’m going to rip this page out” or just simple questions “what do you do if you hate your spread in your bullet journal?” Here is my experience dealing with bullet journal fails.
Inspired by January’s Ugly Spread
If you’re coming over here from Instagram – you probably saw the quote lettering video snippet (if you aren’t coming here from Instagram – here’s a link to that post so you can check it out, and while you’re at it, follow me over there…you’ll get to see all the stuff I don’t post here).
Ugly Spreads So Far (well… a few of them)
So here’s a list of the spreads that I hate in my bullet journal. I’ll let you know right now it’s not a complete list. Some of my fails I used through the week. Some of them I turned the page, one I taped two pages together. But the point is, I moved on. When I first started this bullet journal journey, I used a ring-bound set so I could remove pages if I messed up on them. But I became so paranoid about messing up, I would only use one side of the sheet and I felt like that was just a waste and it felt incomplete.
My desire to be perfect all the time and have every page look amazing paralyzed me! It wasn’t until I decided that I would just (ahem) bite the bullet and use a bound notebook. It was at that time that I would finally give myself the freedom to ‘mess up’.
When You Make a Mistake
First of all – you are doing this with pen and paper. There is no undo or back button. Life doesn’t have an undo or back button. I am a firm believer that mistakes happen and it is how we deal with them afterward that makes the biggest difference in our character.
For the most part, if I make a mistake in my videos, I tend to keep it in the video. I want you to know that I am not perfect and you should not expect yourself to be perfect either. Expecting perfection is debilitating and will only do you harm.
I Keep Mistakes – Or Fix Them with Whiteout
Whether you call them Bullet Journal Fails or not, your bullet journal will have mistakes. It will have spreads you do not like. Watch the video on my January 2018 Future Log – and you can see where I make the mistake. It’s at about 30 seconds into the video. In this case, I just used a little whiteout tape (yes, one of my best friends) and moved on. The tape is not exactly the same color as the page, but it doesn’t matter in the long run. I barely notice after I use correction tape, in fact when I review the page I am surprised sometimes to find it there.
Pro Tip: I buy my correction tape in bulk (really) and take one with me wherever I go. There are smaller packs for ‘on the go’.
Mistakes will happen that white out can’t fix. So what do you do about those times?
Here are some suggestions and tips from someone who has messed up in their bullet journal.
After bullet journaling for less than a month, Amy @purplescapedesign (check her out on Instagram) said: “I’ve misspelled words and it’s by no means perfect but it’s mine and it works for me so I’m happy!”
Realize that this book is yours and yours only. It doesn’t matter what other people do or don’t do. I think this book is a conduit to happiness so don’t let it be something that makes you feel bad about yourself.
- Misspelled words – write on it “oops” or “oh well” and move on – I misspelled “horrible” on my December Habit Tracker
- Missed days – so sometimes you include two Fridays in a week. I’d be ok with that in real life, but to fix it in your bullet journal, white it out and simply write next to it “oops, meant Thursday” and seriously move on.
- Turn the page into something else
- Put a sticker the size of your page on top of your mistake.
- Glue or tape two sheets together (I would not recommend Elmer’s glue – I would say to use permanent adhesive.
- I watercolored over this page – and added a quote over top
- One thing that I commonly do – just turn the page. Seriously, I just turn the page and move on.
- Washi Tape is your friend. You know those piles of washi tape just sitting in your drawer but never touched? Dust them off. Use them to cover up your mistakes.
The Technical Reason Why You Shouldn’t Tear out Pages
I had a fear of the bound journals because I couldn’t remove pages if I messed up. I knew from past experience with other bound journals that once you tear out a page, it never is the same. Unless the book is ‘glue bound’ where each page is glued to the spine individually, they are actually a bigger sheet of paper folded in half and stitched into sections then the separate sections are bound together.
That’s why on some pages if you look down the center, you will see a thin string running down the page. That page is the center of that section. But each page is connected somewhere on the other side. If you tear out one page, it’s connected page won’t hold in the binding and will fallout.
When one page falls out, it loosens the stitching and makes it so the other pages aren’t held in as tightly. I cringe whenever I hear people say they are just going to tear it out because if they do that, I am sure they will ruin their whole book and be even more upset. Besides that – the torn edges (because who can tear straight) will still be in the book and will be another source of frustration.
Think About This:
One thing that people forget – this spread will be in your life for a day or a week. If it’s on a monthly or yearly log, you won’t refer to it very often. Your life does not revolve around this mistake. And when you turn that page for the next day’s or week’s spread, you’ll forget all about this mistake.
I remember more details about the time in my life where I made a mistake than where I had a perfect layout. And it’s not just remembering the mistake, the details are clearer to me and the memories more vibrant. It’s kind of nice.
Lessons Learned from my Bullet Journal Fails
When I started in a bound book, I told myself it was a test of being able to forgive myself for mistakes. The second part of the test is to move on either by fixing the problem and finding a solution or by just turning the page. This, perhaps, has been the greatest thing that bullet journaling has ever taught me.
Two Things You Shouldn’t Do – A Challenge For You:
So the first thing you shouldn’t do I listed above – don’t tear out a page. The second thing is more important: don’t give up. Here is a page of quotes I created after I smeared the ink on the quote. I thought it was a great page to turn into a spread of mistakes quotes.
Remember to plan your life so you live beautifully and don’t be afraid to ‘fail’.