I don’t mind the term ‘brain dump,’ but I know many people don’t like it. Which got me thinking – what are some different names for a brain dump?
I use different names for brain dump all the time each month (or quarter) I tend to include some sort of thought-catching page. Though I didn’t realize it, I’ve done this in my bullet journal from the very beginning. I have to confess that since coming up with this list of alternate names for brain dump, I rarely title the page ‘brain dump.’
Here are some alternate names for a brain dump. I’d love to know what you call your recorded thoughts! Leave a comment below on what you call your ‘brain dumping ground’ page.
Edited – Originally Posted 05/09/2019

Table of contents
- First of All – What is a Brain Dump?
- Alternate Names for Brain Dump
- General
- If You Feel Like the Thoughts are Neverending or Your Brain is Whining
- Creative Names for Brain Dump
- Idea Generation
- Lightbulb
- Gold / Pirates / Treasure
- Travel
- Weather
- Zen
- Dark
- Animal / Bees
- Creepy Crawly / Halloween Brain Dump Alternatives
- Harry Potter
- Beach / Water
- Plants
- Food Related Names for Brain Dump
- Science
- Space
- Money
- Cartoon / Book / Quote
- Games
- Gray Matter / Brain Anatomy
- Close to the Name “Brain Dump” but Just Different Enough…

First of All – What is a Brain Dump?
If you’ve never heard of or done a brain dump, it sounds weird. In my experience, you can do brain dumps in several ways. One way to think of it is downloading your thoughts from your head to paper or electronically so you can categorize them and organize them. Once you’ve written down everything flying around your head now you can sort through the information and ‘mine the diamonds in the rough.’ Meaning to pick out the good things and pursue them.
Another way to brain dump is to focus only on one topic and write about it. Though concentrating on one topic might be more brainstorming instead of brain dumping.
For a more in-depth explanation about brain dumps – check out this post.

Alternate Names for Brain Dump
Need a brain dump synonym? Though I’m 100% positive that this list is not exhaustive, it’s a good start. I’d love to hear your ideas – if you have a different name for a brain dump, leave me a comment below.
What names have you seen or brain dump page names you’ve used. I’d like to see your creations, too if you’re inspired by these different names for brain dump – tag me on Instagram @ChocolateMusingsCreates.
- A to Z (a little doodle of Amazon’s arrow logo might be fun for this brain dump page)
- All the Things
- All the Things in My Head
- Hello Thoughts
- Jots & Tittles
- Landing Page
- Let me Sleep (this brain dump name is perfect if your thoughts keep you up at night)
- Meeting of my Mind
- Mind Tricks (Magic tricks come to my mind with this alternate brain dump name)
- Mind Unzipped (wouldn’t this be a fun illustration?)
- Mindless Wanderings
- More than Just Shower Thoughts
- Musings
- Musings & Mutterings
- Recorded Thoughts (this brain dump alternate reminds me of an 80’s tape deck)
- Sandbox
- Shower Thoughts
- These are Mine
- These Thoughts
- Thinking
- Those aren’t voices; they’re my thoughts speaking to me
- Thoughtful Things
- Thoughts – Everybody has Them
- Thoughts Anonymous
- Wander through My Wonderings
- Wonderings
- Write it Down! If you’re like me – you might need an instruction to write it all down instead of trying to remember the details. Sometimes you just need to a reminder to write it all down.
If You Feel Like the Thoughts are Neverending or Your Brain is Whining
My brain usually does this when I’m trying to sleep. I keep a notebook and pen beside my bed and just write things down. Here’s a little secret – I don’t even turn on the light when these thoughts keep me up. So you can imagine the mess on the page when I try to re-read what I wrote. And in all honesty, these thoughts are rarely worth keeping since they are more worries or things I already know.
- Don’t Judge My Thoughts
- My 2-Year old and My Brain are alike – They Both Whine (of course you can substitute for any age that whines at you, 16 year olds, 12-year olds, 47-year olds. Whatever you need to compare it to)
- My Brain is Whining Again
- Anti-Meditating
- Anything Goes
- Free Your Mind
- Get it all out
- I’m trying to Quit…Thinking
- Information Relay
- Inner Monologue
- Internal Broadcast
- Brain Exclamations
- Nonsense
- Where Did That Come From?
- Odds & Ends
- Peculiarities
- Random Thoughts
- Straight out of the Brain
- Stream of Consciousness
- Stuff
Creative Names for Brain Dump
I don’t know about you, but sometimes the creative ideas just flow. There were literally times where I sat down and wrote an entire year’s creativity-based ideas in about 10 minutes. So naturally, I like to title these creative bursts appropriately so I can let my creative juices flow. Now, there are a lot of ways to illustrate each of these ideas.
- Creative Juices
- Crafting my Awesome
- Creative Muse
- Creative Space
Idea Generation
If you use your brain dump as a brainstorm page as well, you might need a page focused more on idea generation. Here are a few names for brain dump which focus on generating ideas. If you’re digging for treasure (in your thoughts, of course) look through the treasure/pirate section as well!
- Fabulous Finds
- Idea box
- Idea Log/Journal
- Think Outside the Idea Box
- Light bulb factory
- Light switch
- The Lights are On
Gold / Pirates / Treasure
- Nuggets
- Brain Nuggets
- Thought Nuggets
- Nuggets of Awesome
- Pot of Gold
- Thoughts of Gold
- Gilded Thoughts
- X Marks the Thought
- Pirate Map
- Mind Map / Mind Mapping (make it look like a treasure map)
- Treasure Trove
- Diamonds in the Rough
- Diamonds and Coal
- Treasure at the end of the rainbow

- Train of Thought
- Flying Through my Thoughts
- Zoom
- Zooming Thoughts
- Brainstorming
- BrainStorm
- Down Pour
- Lightning Strikes
- Winter Thoughts
- Spring Thoughts
- Summer Thoughts
- Fall Thoughts
- These Thoughts Keep Falling
- Thoughts Keep Springing Up
- Thought Tornado
- Snowflake Thoughts (because each one is unique!)
- Stormy Thoughts
- My Tangle of Zen
- Too Tangled to Zen
- Don’t Go There
- Dark and Dreary
- Dark and Dreary Wilderness
- Mind-field
- Fettered Mind
- Unfettered
- Do Not Enter (Police Tape Theme)
- Outer Darkness
- Brain Limbo
- Shadowy Thoughts & Reflections
Animal / Bees
- Barrel of Insights
- Barrel of Thoughts
- Buzzing Thoughts
- Fluttering Thoughts
- Idea Farm
- Idea Keeper (like a beekeeper)
- Untamed Thoughts
- Wild and Untamed
- Wild Thoughts Can’t Be Tamed

Creepy Crawly / Halloween Brain Dump Alternatives
- Brewing Thoughts
- Haunted House of Thoughts
- Monsters in My Head
- Spider’s Lair
- Spooky Thoughts
- Tangled Thoughts
- Tangled Web of Thoughts
- What’s Brewing
Harry Potter
Harry Potter themes provide a treasure-trove of different names for brain dump. Some of my favorites (so far) are:
- Catch the Golden Snitch
- Chamber of Secrets
- Chamber of Thoughts
- Fantastical Thoughts and Where to Find Them
- Horcrux
- I Think I Need Another Butterbeer
- Magical Maladdies in My Head
- Magical Thoughts
- Maurader’s Map of Thoughts
- Mischief Managed
- Quiddich Field of Thoughts
- There’s a Quaffle in my Brain (Someone let it out!)
- Tom Riddle’s Diary
Beach / Water
- Beach It!
- Beached Thoughts / Beached Ideas
- Deep Thoughts
- My Pool Runs Deep
- Pool of Thoughts
- River of Thoughts
- Shell we Think?
- Submerged
- Swimming Thoughts
- Think Tank
- Thought Waves
- Wading through Wonderings
- Water under the bridge

- Berry Picking
- Idea Jungle
- Idea Tree
- Field of Thoughts
- Idea Berry Bush / Idea Bush
- Wilderness of Thought
- Finding Roses Through the Thorns
- Prickles in my Brain (Cactus)
- Garden of Thoughts
- Maze of Thoughts
- Seeds of Thought
- Don’t get boxed in, grow your way out
- Idea Bush – Let your Ideas Grow
Food Related Names for Brain Dump
- Delectible Ideas
- Hot Dog! Those are a lot of thoughts! or (Hot Dog! What a good idea!)
- Fruits of my Brain
- Pot o’ Honey
- M&Ms (musings & mutterings)
- Thoughts are Poppin’
- __________ Pieces (include your name – for instance: Tricia’s Pieces)
- Seedlets
- Seeds of Thought
- Grape Thoughts
- My Thought Vine
- I Need Chocolate for these Musings (Can you tell where I got this idea?)
- Brain Waves
- Radio Waves
- Spectrum of Thoughts
- Brain Warp
- Thoughts at Warp Speed
- Galaxy of Thoughts
- Out of this World Thoughts
- Flyby Thoughts
- Penny for your Thoughts
- If Time is Money, Thoughts Make Cents!

Cartoon / Book / Quote
- Think, Think, Think (like Pooh Bear)
- Curiouser and Curiouser
- Where the Wild Thoughts Are
- Dump it to Crumpet
- Fifty Thoughts Freed
- Not All Who Wonder are Lost
- Mindcraft / Mindcrafted
- One Thought to Rule Them All
- Scribble Scrabble in My Head
- Scrabble Tiles
- Word Search
- Crosswords
- Know When to Fold ’em (Know when to keep ’em)
- Brain Games
Gray Matter / Brain Anatomy
- Wandering Through theBrain Folds
- Gray Matter / Grey Matter
- My Gray Matters
- Cranial Purge
Close to the Name “Brain Dump” but Just Different Enough…
- Brain Farts (though this doesn’t sound much nicer than brain dump – I thought someone might get a kick out of it)
- Brain Dumping Ground
- Download
- Mind Dump