September Random Holidays – Add a Few Fun, Creative, and Random Holidays to Your Calendar

With fall right around the corner and school back in full swing, schedules start filling up quickly. Here’s a little reminder to add some fun and enjoyment to your calendar with a few of these September Random Holidays.
One of the fun things about random holidays is that you can add these mini-celebrations to your schedule. They don’t require an entire day to celebrate. Sometimes, these random holidays might help you plan dinner or plan your family outings. Whatever you’re doing during September, you can fit in a few random ways to celebrate and create memories.
When I take the chance to look back on the month or year, it’s amazing how busy life feels, and yet, there are few distinct memories. I find that using these random holidays slows the rush of time and allows my family to create memories. These are the moments I want my children to remember. These memories are the times I’ll cherish the most. This is why I celebrate random holidays – to break up the constant hyperactive schedule and create lasting memories.

September Random Holidays – Categories
There are so many more random holidays for September, and I don’t intend to feature them all. In fact, I compile my list from several different sources. If you want to check out their list of holidays, I include a link to the websites below.
I also created a Google Calendar (below) featuring the holidays, which I share for free. I included instructions on how to add the calendar to your view. You can toggle it on and off so it doesn’t clutter your regular schedule.
In addition to the daily list of random holidays, I like to break the days into categories like food, outdoors, indoors, creativity and games, and then the catch-all category – “random holidays.” Let me know which Random Holidays are your favorites!
Daily List of September’s Holidays
- 1st Friday of September – National Lazy Mom’s Day
- 1st Saturday: World Beard Day
- 1st Full Week in September: National Waffle Week
- 3rd Week in September – National Indoor Plant Week
- 3rd Full Week in September – National Keep Kids Creative Week
- 4th Monday in September – Celebrate National Family Day
- World Letter Writing Day
National Forgiveness Day - Hummingbird Day
- Skyscraper Day
- Wildlife Day
- –
- Read a Book Day
- –
- International Literacy Day
Ampersand Day - Teddy Bear Day
- –
- Make Your Bed Day
Swap Ideas Day - Video Games Day
Day of Encouragement - Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day
Roald Dahl Day
Positive Thinking Day - Eat a Cream-Filled Donut Day
Eat a Hoagie Day
Live Creative Day - International Dot Day
- Chocolate Milkshake Day
Play-Doh Day - –
- –
- Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Fried Rice Day
Pecan Cookie Day - Miniature Golf Day
- White Chocolate Day
Ice Cream Cone Day
Elephant Appreciation Day
Hobbit Day
Dear Diary Day - Checkers Day
- Punctuation Day
- Comic Book Day
World Dream Day - Pancake Day
- Chocolate Milk Day
- –
- –
- Chewing Gum Day
- –
Did you know? There are a lot more holidays to celebrate. I chose these random holidays to feature but if you wanted more – check out the links to all the ‘official’ pages that list out even more ways to celebrate.
September Random Food Holidays
1st Full Week in September – National Waffle Week
12 – Chocolate Milkshake Day
13 – Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day – What would your kids make if they took over the kitchen?
14 – Eat a Cream-Filled Donut Day – You’re welcome for this holiday! Cream-filled donuts are my favorite. Who needs to follow a diet, anyway?
14 – Eat a Hoagie Day
20 – Fried Rice Day – I love it when the random holidays make my dinner plans for me.
20 – Pecan Cookie Day
22 – White Chocolate Day – How do you feel about white chocolate? I know there are strong opinions for and against it. I’d like to see where you stand. It’s only recently that I truly started enjoying white chocolate.
22 – Ice Cream Cone Day
26 – Pancake Day – Looks like it’s breakfast for dinner day at my house!
27 – Chocolate Milk Day
30 – Chewing Gum Day

Outdoor-Related September Random Holidays
2 – Hummingbird Day
3 – Skyscraper Day
4 – Wildlife Day
21 – Miniature Golf Day
22 – Elephant Appreciation Day
4th Monday in September – Celebrate National Family Day
Whether you celebrate the outdoor holidays by playing miniature golf or at a zoo for Elephant Appreciation Day, or you stay inside and doodle skyscrapers and other wildlife, the significant part is that you make time to do something.
For me, it’s not necessarily the holiday; and it’s the fact that we take time as a family to pause our regular schedule and do something that will create a memory.
I created some animal wall prints to celebrate Wildlife Appreciation Day and Elephant Appreciation Day. What is your favorite animal, and does it have a random holiday?

Indoor-Related September Random Holidays
1 – World Letter Writing Day
6 – Read a Book Day
8 – International Literacy Day
9 – Teddy Bear Day
11 – Make Your Bed Day
13 – Roald Dahl Day
22 – Dear Diary Day
3rd Week in September – Nation Indoor Plant Week – I can’t keep my succulents alive, but I sure do like to doodle them.
I think you could combine Read a Book Day, Roald Dahl Day, and Teddy Bear Day into one big celebration. It’s a perfect excuse for choosing a good novel and cuddling with your favorite teddy bear. Or I could skip reading altogether and see a movie in the theater to celebrate National Cinema Day.
For “make your bed day,” I hate to admit this, but I hated to make my bed for years (even as an adult). When I started bullet journaling a few years ago, I also began studying habits that lead to making and breaking behaviors. Every month, I include habit trackers. I’m happy to admit that making the bed every morning is now a habit. Check out my other posts on habits & habit tracking.

Looking for More Inspiration on Habits?
Habit tracking is one of my favorite things about bullet journaling. Find more inspiration for habit tracking and creating habits from these posts.
Here are my Favorite Books on Habits:
8 – Ampersand Day
11 – Swap Ideas Day
12 – Video Games Day
14 – Live Creative Day
15 – International Dot Day – created to celebrate creativity. Check out the link in the calendar for more information! It sounds like a lot of fun. Take advantage to reignite your creativity.
16 – Play-Doh Day
23 – Checkers Day
24 – Punctuation Day
25 – Comic Book Day
25 – World Dream Day – What would that look like if you could change your dreams into reality?
3rd Full Week in September – National Keep Kids Creative Week
We seem to celebrate Video Game Day quite often. I’m pretty sure July also had a video game day. While researching random holidays, I found that anyone can submit a request to start their own holiday. Creating duplicate holidays is easy since there isn’t one registry for random holidays. Not that I mind, but I thought I’d share that fun fact.
My kids don’t mind celebrating Video Game Day more than once during the year. It’s certainly an excuse to goof around. Of course, you could list all the games you used to play or what you want to play. What an excellent idea for a bullet journal collection!

September Random Holidays (Holidays That Don’t Fit in My Other Categories)
These holidays don’t fit nicely into my other categories, but I do like these random holidays. I include links to the original sources below, so if you’re interested, you can always check out the origin of the holiday & find other ideas to enjoy the day.
1 – National Forgiveness Day
12 – Day of Encouragement
13 – Positive Thinking Day
19 – Talk Like a Pirate Day – Check out my Pirate-Themed Bullet Journal post for creative ideas in your planner.
22 – Hobbit Day
1st Friday of September – National Lazy Mom’s Day
1st Saturday of September – World Beard Day
Talk Like a Pirate Day is the holiday that started all the random holidays for our family. It’s been years since we started celebrating this random holiday every September 19th. That’s partially why I love random holidays. Add them to your calendar, celebrate them year after year, and let them become ingrained into your family’s memories. Before you know it, you have traditions all year long instead of just on the big holidays.

What do You Want to Celebrate?
What Random Holidays this September do you want to celebrate? Choose a few and add them to your calendar. Or subscribe to my Google calendar below (it’s free) and always have fresh ideas waiting for you.
Random Holiday Archives

Do you need more reasons to celebrate? I know I do! Find my random holiday archives here, PLUS find more ideas & ways to celebrate random holidays. Browse through all of my hand-picked holidays grouped by month. Give your family a reason to #randomlycelebrate.
By the way, if you’d like to find out more about a holiday, check the links in the random holiday archive. You’ll find all the random holiday sources I used to compile my favorites list. Click on one of the entries in the Random Holidays Calendar for even more details!
By the way, you can add the Google Calendar to your calendar list and always have random holidays at your fingertips – each calendar entry has a direct link to the original source and the social media hashtag recommendation. (Tip: You can toggle on and off the calendar as needed!) Check out the random holiday archives here!
Skip Right to a Month to Start Celebrating:
Random Holidays – Google Calendar
After celebrating different holidays for over a year, I decided to create a Google Calendar to see all the holidays I’d love to celebrate. It makes it easy to share creations, words, and ideas on social media and with friends and family. The best part about Google calendars is that you can toggle them on and off when you don’t want to see them.
If you click on the calendar item, it has a link to the source & relevant hashtags! I’m always evolving this calendar – and I will add calendar days or corrections all the time.
Tip: The calendar will show the current month, you can navigate to the month of your choice by using the arrows or dropdown.
If you want to add my calendar to your Google calendar:
- Go to your Google calendars and click the + next to other calendars
- Choose ‘add other calendars.’
- Then click Subscribe to Calendar
- After that, paste the text below in the “add calendar.”
- Toggle the schedule on and off when you want to access it – that’s what I do.
I won’t list all the random holidays, but just the ones that work with ChocolateMusings.com – so, of course, you’ll see a lot of food, art, creativity & some miscellaneous holidays are thrown in as well.
Random Holiday Links:
Choose The Holidays Right for You
What if you don’t like the holidays I choose? Below are links to the other random holiday sites I found – pick your favorites and celebrate the ones that resonate with you! It’s about breaking out of the monotony and creating your happiness.
Find more to celebrate – I compiled my random holidays from the websites below. There are so many holidays to enjoy! If you find a day you’d like me to feature – leave me a note below!
- Nationaldaycalendar.com
- Nationaltoday.com
- daysoftheyear.com
- checkiday.com
- heywhatday.com
- Timeanddate.com
- holidayinsights.com
- wildcalendar.com
- thereisadayforthat.com
Need Some Ideas for Creating Using Random Holidays as Your Inspiration?
That sounds fun. Here are some ways you can be creative!
- Letter the name of the holiday (want to learn to hand letter? Here’s where to start handlettering.)
- Write it in funky fonts (check out this post for ideas.)
- Take a picture (I heard selfies are a thing 😜).
- Doodle the holiday
- Paint a picture of the holiday or you celebrating the holiday.
- Write a blog post or journal entry.
- Create a planner spread.
- Create a color palette inspired by the holiday.
- What imaginary character or Disney Princess would most likely celebrate this holiday?
- What colors should we choose for this holiday?
- Make a favorite dish or create a new recipe in honor of the day.
- If the holiday had a mascot, what would it be?
- Don’t let my ideas limit you. Find something that inspires you, and create!
If you don’t create anything – spend the time with your family or friends! It’s all about creating a better, more fulfilling life. I believe these silly, random holidays help add a little smile to your face and a bit more laughter to your days. Choose to add joy to your life.

Originally Posted August 2021, Revised August 2023
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