Random Holidays Challenge – Find Reasons to Celebrate and Add Joy
Finding joy in everyday life is difficult, I know! Some weeks I look back and wonder what I’ve done with my life. Sometimes the days blend together and I can’t remember anything unique for the week. But then a couple of years ago, I discovered random holidays and started ‘celebrating’ some of the days.
Since then, my family has grown to love random holidays. They look forward to finding joy in small ways. Some holidays are downright silly; others might become your next family tradition. For instance, as a family, we celebrated International ice cream for breakfast day. My kids thought it was the best day ever. I don’t care that it’s obscure or unknown, and neither did my kids. To celebrate Sloppy Joe Day, guess what we had for dinner? If you said cereal you’d be wrong.
Did you know that each state in the United States has its own ‘national day’? Neither did I! After creating my state outlines; I wanted to celebrate each state’s holiday by putting together an armchair travel notebook and highlight the places I’d like to see within each state.

Why a Challenge?
I’m always looking for more reasons to celebrate. So why not create a challenge highlighting random holidays of the month and celebrate with you? Because I think inspiration comes from everywhere and comes from living everyday life! So why not add some fun to the every day of life? Don’t wait for permission, go and live!

Here are the rules:
- Choose a holiday (or a few!) featured here (or another that you found) and celebrate it in some way.
- Create something inspired by the holiday, celebrate with your family, blog about the holiday, do something to celebrate.
- Post your celebration and tag me on social media (@ChocolateMusingsCreates) instagram.com/chocolatemusingscreates. If you create a blog post – tag me on Pinterest (pinterest.com/chocolatemusings). I’ll be sure to share it! Use the hashtag #randomlycelebrated and #ChocolateMusingsCelebrates
The point is to start adding little pockets of fun to your weeks and days so when you look back, there’s something other than getting up, work, driving home, and bits of Netflix on constant repeat.
I’d love to share a few of your creations on my channels!

Ideas for creating:
- Letter the name of the holiday
- Write it in funky fonts
- Take a picture
- Doodle
- Paint
- Blog post
- Create a planner spread
- Create a color palette inspired by the holiday
- What imaginary character or Disney Princess would most likely celebrate this holiday?
- What colors should we choose for this holiday?
- Make a favorite dish or create a new recipe in honor of the day.
- If the holiday had a mascot, what would it be?
- Don’t let my ideas limit you. Find something that inspires you, and create!
If you don’t create anything – spend the time with your family or friends! It’s all about creating a better, more fulfilling life. I believe these silly, random holidays help add a little smile to your face and a bit more laughter to your days. Choose to add joy to your life.
Choose The Holidays Right for You
What if you don’t like the holidays I choose? Below you will find links to the other random holiday sites I found – pick your favorites and celebrate ones that resonate with you! It’s about breaking out of the monotony and creating your happiness.
Check out My Shop for state outline printables & my RedBubble account to find fun merchandise with all the state outlines.

State Outlines
Choose from our selection of state outlines and show your pride for your birth state or one you’ve grown to love.
Random Holiday Links:
Choose The Holidays Right for You
What if you don’t like the holidays I choose? Below are links to the other random holiday sites I found – pick your favorites and celebrate the ones that resonate with you! It’s about breaking out of the monotony and creating your happiness.
Find more to celebrate – I compiled my random holidays from the websites below. There are so many holidays to enjoy! If you find a day you’d like me to feature – leave me a note below!
- Nationaldaycalendar.com
- Nationaltoday.com
- daysoftheyear.com
- checkiday.com
- heywhatday.com
- Timeanddate.com
- holidayinsights.com
- wildcalendar.com
- thereisadayforthat.com
I love this idea! And I am so in! Heading over to your April holidays post to see what I’m going to celebrate this month!