March Random Holidays
I don’t know about you, but I don’t just want to live for the weekends. Finding little reasons to celebrate regularly will help you slow down the blur and create memories you cherish. Add some fun to your calendar and celebrate a few of these March random holidays with your family.
March Random Monthly Monthly Holidays:
Ready to randomly celebrate? I know that it can feel like trudging through life and just waiting for those short, coveted weekends. Since I found these random holidays and started adding a few to my family’s calendar, the weekdays don’t feel so dreary.
March is a month of crafting & freezing food. I guess they could go together, there is particular creativity about creating a frozen meal or cooking in general.
All month long, celebrate National Craft Month #nationalcraftmonth and Frozen Food Month #frozenfoodmonth. I know I will celebrate by crafting. My favorite crafts usually include paper and watercolor paints. If you had a day or two just to create, what would you do?

State Birthday Celebrations:
Are you from Minnesota, Kansas, West Virginia, or Nevada? Get ready to celebrate! It’s your state’s official statehood day during March!
1st – Minnesota
15th – Kansas
22nd – West Virginia
29th – Nevada
State Holidays
In celebration of the state’s statehood birthday, each month, the honored state will be on sale! I created 8 variations for each state, and they make lovely wall displays. Print it out, and frame it, and show it off! They make great gifts! All the states are available in my shop!
March Random Holidays Celebrating Animals & the Outdoors:
3rd – World Wildlife Day
10th – International Find a Pay Phone Booth Day – because we all have a little superman in us?
12th – Plant a Flower Day
14th – Learn about butterflies day
16th – National Panda Day
23rd – National Puppy Day – who wouldn’t want to celebrate this day?!
30th – National Take a Walk in the Park Day – sounds beautiful to me!
Food-Related Celebrations
March has some fun random food holidays. Honestly, these random holidays are the easiest for me to celebrate. And they sometimes help me plan my dinners. Any time I can answer the ‘what’s for dinner question’ without hesitation is one-hundred percent a win. Plus, we get to randomly celebrate, so it makes it a #winwin!
I try to plan a freezer day for meals once a week or once every twice a week since it takes less effort, and it helps me keep track of what I have in my freezer.
Dinner Planning Holidays
6th National Frozen Food Day – in addition to a whole month dedicated to frozen food, it claims an entire day of its own.
7th – National Cereal Day – since it’s on a Saturday this year, I think that the kids should celebrate this day while I snooze.
9th – National Meatball Day – I love it when these national holidays make my dinner plans easier, too.
18th – National Sloppy Joe Day – Sloppy Joes are some of my husband’s favorite dinner meals. It looks like he is cooking this night.
28th – National Something on a Stick Day
25th – International Waffle Day – considering this is my oldest child’s favorite meal – I think I have dinner planned out for this day, too. Do you have breakfast for dinner?

Sweets & Snacks Holidays
6th – National Oreo Cookie Day (hang on, let me jot that one down in my calendar and highlight it)
6th – National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day – this day could single-handedly destroy my will to stay on my diet.
19th – National Chocolate Caramel Day – yes, please!
23rd – National Chip and Dip Day
March Creativity Holidays
In addition to being national creativity month, there are a few other creative random holidays to celebrate throughout March.
27th – National Scribble Day
30th – National Pencil Day
31st – National Crayon Day
Kindness/Happiness Holidays
I think we all need a little more kindness in the world. It’s something I’m personally working to enhance in my life. But sometimes we forget to be kind to ourselves as well. I’m working on the self-talk running through my head on a regular basis.
Here are some holidays to help remind both you and me to be kind to others and kind to ourselves.
9th – National get over it day – when I found this day while doing my Random Holidays research, I knew I needed to include it in my days to celebrate. I know I have many things to ‘get over,’ maybe it’s a day of renewal and refreshed outlook of life – who knows? But I might just try to ‘get over it.’
13th – National Good Samaritan Day – I absolutely believe that the world can use more good samaritans, and the only way that we are going to increase the number is by becoming one of the good. I know I have personally benefitted from a good samaritan, I’d love to pay it forward.
19th – National Let’s Laugh Day
20th – International Day of Happiness – I love that laugh day and day of happiness are so close to each other – coincidence? Maybe.
21st – National Common Courtesy Day
30th – National I am in control day – we all need a day to tell ourselves that we are in control, right?
Other Random Holidays
2nd – Old Stuff Day
2nd – Read Across America day – My kid’s school is celebrating Read Across America Day on Friday for some reason, but I say celebrate when you can. Thanks, Dr. Seuss, for inspiring so many young readers.
5th – World Book Day – What’s your favorite book?
14th – National Pi Day – I learned that my parents got married on this day – because it was Pi day. Ah, dad, sneaked that one in on mom, didn’t you?
21st – National Fragrance Day – what’s your favorite fragrance? The smell of spring and lilacs are right up there for me.
25th – Tolkien Reading Day – grab a copy of the Hobbit and read away
26th – Make up your own Holiday – What day would you randomly celebrate if you could?
31st – World Backup Day
More Ways to Celebrate
There are so many more holidays to celebrate. I’ve chosen a few from the random holiday sources I found. In addition, there are so many ways to celebrate. Here are some ideas for adding creativity + random holidays to your life.
Need Some Ideas for Creating Using Random Holidays as Your Inspiration?
That sounds fun. Here are some ways you can be creative!
- Letter the name of the holiday (want to learn to hand letter? Here’s where to start handlettering.)
- Write it in funky fonts (check out this post for ideas.)
- Take a picture (I heard selfies are a thing 😜).
- Doodle the holiday
- Paint a picture of the holiday or you celebrating the holiday.
- Write a blog post or journal entry.
- Create a planner spread.
- Create a color palette inspired by the holiday.
- What imaginary character or Disney Princess would most likely celebrate this holiday?
- What colors should we choose for this holiday?
- Make a favorite dish or create a new recipe in honor of the day.
- If the holiday had a mascot, what would it be?
- Don’t let my ideas limit you. Find something that inspires you, and create!
If you don’t create anything – spend the time with your family or friends! It’s all about creating a better, more fulfilling life. I believe these silly, random holidays help add a little smile to your face and a bit more laughter to your days. Choose to add joy to your life.
Random Holiday Links:
Choose The Holidays Right for You
What if you don’t like the holidays I choose? Below are links to the other random holiday sites I found – pick your favorites and celebrate the ones that resonate with you! It’s about breaking out of the monotony and creating your happiness.
Find more to celebrate – I compiled my random holidays from the websites below. There are so many holidays to enjoy! If you find a day you’d like me to feature – leave me a note below!
- Nationaldaycalendar.com
- Nationaltoday.com
- daysoftheyear.com
- checkiday.com
- heywhatday.com
- Timeanddate.com
- holidayinsights.com
- wildcalendar.com
- thereisadayforthat.com
Random Holiday Archives

Do you need more reasons to celebrate? I know I do! Find my random holiday archives here, PLUS find more ideas & ways to celebrate random holidays. Browse through all of my hand-picked holidays grouped by month. Give your family a reason to #randomlycelebrate.
By the way, if you’d like to find out more about a holiday, check the links in the random holiday archive. You’ll find all the random holiday sources I used to compile my favorites list. Click on one of the entries in the Random Holidays Calendar for even more details!
By the way, you can add the Google Calendar to your calendar list and always have random holidays at your fingertips – each calendar entry has a direct link to the original source and the social media hashtag recommendation. (Tip: You can toggle on and off the calendar as needed!) Check out the random holiday archives here!
Skip Right to a Month to Start Celebrating:
Random Holidays – Google Calendar
After celebrating different holidays for over a year, I decided to create a Google Calendar to see all the holidays I’d love to celebrate. It makes it easy to share creations, words, and ideas on social media and with friends and family. The best part about Google calendars is that you can toggle them on and off when you don’t want to see them.
If you click on the calendar item, it has a link to the source & relevant hashtags! I’m always evolving this calendar – and I will add calendar days or corrections all the time.
Tip: The calendar will show the current month, you can navigate to the month of your choice by using the arrows or dropdown.
If you want to add my calendar to your Google calendar:
- Go to your Google calendars and click the + next to other calendars
- Choose ‘add other calendars.’
- Then click Subscribe to Calendar
- After that, paste the text below in the “add calendar.”
- Toggle the schedule on and off when you want to access it – that’s what I do.
I won’t list all the random holidays, but just the ones that work with ChocolateMusings.com – so, of course, you’ll see a lot of food, art, creativity & some miscellaneous holidays are thrown in as well.
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