June Plan With Me: Bullet Journal Ice Cream Theme

Welcome to June’s plan with me – Where the theme is ice cream! I can’t tell if I’m more thrilled with the result or enjoyed the process more. Whichever it is, I am excited to share a bit of my process and the fun ice-cream related artwork for June’s plan with me.
When I decided on ice cream for this month’s theme, I envisioned a lot of sparkling glasses of ice cream with perfectly shaped scoops and delicious-looking flavors popping off the page. However, when I sketched it out, I kept drawing the scoops falling towards the glass or falling on the ground. One of my weekly pages has only cones and my brain dump page, well, that one features either a lucky seagull or an unlucky ice cream lover.
I’m not sure if it’s the unrest with the world that made drawing the ‘ideal’ or ‘perfect set’ of ice cream spreads difficult, or if it was just a particularly rough day when I sketched it all in. All of the spreads have a certain quirky quality. Regardless, I love the outcome and can’t wait to share them with you. All I can hope is that they will bring a bit of joy to your day.
Spreads in this Month’s Ice Cream-Themed Plan With Me:
- Welcome page / June Calendar (ice cream sundae falling into place)
- Habit Tracker / Goals Page (dropped ice cream cone)
- Journal Page (banana split)
- Weeklies (empty ice cream, popsicles, ice cream toppings, and stacked ice cream cone)
- Brain Dump (that’s the one with the seagull and unfortunate ice cream cone)
Products I Used (though you don’t have to use the same things!)

- Scribbles that Matter Size: A5 160 GSM Paper Iconic or Smooth Cover
- Marie’s Watercolor Paint Set (used for all watercolor painting)
- Dr. Ph Martin’s Bleed Proof White (for the white highlights/accents)
- Ceramic Artist Porcelain Watercolor Paint Palette (mixing paint)
- Detail Paint Brush Set (the small, white brushes)
- Watercolor Paint Brush Set (larger, black-handled brushes)
- Papermate Mechanical Pencil .5 mm (I love these because I can see how much lead I have left & they have large erasers!)
- Tombow Mono Dust Catch Eraser
- Papermate White Pearl Eraser
- 6″ Stainless Steel Ruler
- Masking Fluid (blocks off portions of your page – don’t apply with your good paintbrushes!)
- Kid’s Paint Brushes (for applying masking fluid)
- Zebra Rollerball Pens .5 mm (outstanding for outlining drawings and writing fine lines)
- Zebra Zensations Technical Fine Liner Pens (waterproof & have a wonderful rounded point, so you don’t have to draw straight up and down like other fine liner pens)
- Tombow Fudenosuke Hard Tip Colors
- Papermate Ink Joy Pens (these pens are the ones I use to write with daily)
The Plans This Month
How I plan is different, lately. I don’t include a lot of structure or boxes. Instead, I use open space and fill it with what I need that week such as journal space or doodle areas or note-taking.
My planner isn’t all about aesthetics. Although, getting excited to open the book because of the ice cream theme doesn’t hurt. I use it functionally, and that’s part of the reason why I like to include plan with me posts on this blog.
I know a lot of people ‘just aren’t into planning right now,’ but it is one thing that I need to remain constant in my life. Planning is a habit I’ve worked hard to establish, and one that I don’t want to have to work hard to re-establish once we start returning to ‘normal’ whatever that means.
Watch the Plan With Me Video
Habits and Goals
One habit I know I need to re-establish is my weight loss goal & efforts. I was doing so well with tracking my eating habits and weight loss for so long. Then I kind of just fell out of practice and have been chasing that wagon begging to hop back on ever since. Maybe I shouldn’t do ice cream planner themes to help get back on track. (Thankfully, I don’t crave ice cream since starting on this theme any more than I did beforehand.)
Have you kept on track with any weight loss or exercise goals this year? I’d love to know what you’ve been doing. Starting to track my food intake and using/finishing my monthly habit trackers is something I’ll include as part of my mid-year goals and on my habit tracker.
Click on the picture below if you’d like to read more about habits & my health journey.

Welcome/Calendar Spread

I love having an overview of the month where I can see scheduled items or events. Besides keeping a high-level overview of the month, I’ll keep a few notes on this page and a few critical to-dos. But mostly, my to-do lists stay on my weekly spreads.

The ice cream cone on this page says it all for how I’ve been doing this year. So the quote on this page says, “It’s ok if you fall. But not if you stay there”. Since June is the middle of the year, I decided to make a page dedicated to reassessing my goals and picking myself back up from the train wreck that has been the first half of the year. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Journal Page
Though I leave a lot of room on my weekly pages (especially over the last few months) for journaling, I wanted to have a page specifically dedicated to family memories. The good things that I see, the experiences we have. I find that if I look for the good, I see it. The effect is the same if you look for the bad. This is my page to look for the good.
I can’t tell you how pleased I am with this banana split page. Using masking fluid, I literally sprinkled the page, anticipating where to paint in the sprinkles. I used this effect in April, but this month’s plan with me was definitely smaller-scale when it came to masking fluid.

Weekly Pages
Other than one week with a vertical, one-page layout, the rest of the weeks use a simple design where I split the page top to bottom with various ice cream-related illustrations. Throw in a few motivational quotes for week’s spreads, and I’m delighted with the outcomes.
Planner Quotes Used:
Surprisingly most of these quotes relate well to ice cream and getting motivated.
Goals Page:
Its okay if you fall. But not if you stay there.
Empty Ice Cream Cones Weekly:
“How will you fill your days?”
Slowly Consumed Popsicles Weekly:
“Do something great, finish what you start.”
Note: I tried to use a different kind of brush pen to get the rough textures for this quote, and it just didn’t end up working out as I wanted. But it’s ok. I finished it.
Ice Cream Topping Weekly:
“Top off your day with something good.”
A great reminder to focus on the good.

Brain Dump: Last Page in the Ice Cream-Themed Plan With Me
I might have to retitle this page to “What was I thinking?!” instead of “delectable ideas, aka MINE.” 10 points if you get the reference for the aka title. I like how it turned out, and maybe I’ll be careful this month about guarding these delectable thoughts against hungry predators.
If you’d like alternate names for a brain dump page, check out my post featuring 150+ alternatives.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my ice cream themed plan with me, and it gave you a bit of inspiration. Even though it didn’t turn out to what I expected in my head, I think the fun, whimsical designs express a bit of the chaos that we are all living with and will (hopefully) elicit a smile in some form or fashion.
What I’m looking forward to this month:
Setting some goals & getting back on track are two things I look forward to doing this month. I hope to record the good things in life, even if it’s enjoying the silence after the kids go to bed or the smell of gardenia on an evening walk. I intend to write all my feelings. It’s been hard to express myself in the past few months, but I think if I write it down, I might resolve some of the other creative blocks.
Happy planning!
Let me know what you think and what your most significant challenge to plan is for you.
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