Find Your Happy! Why is it that we wait for happiness to come to us? Why is it that we can’t wait for the weekend, and in the blink of an eye, it’s gone? One big goal in my life is to enjoy the moments between the weekends.
I don’t want to wait for things to happen to me, I want to enjoy life and blaze my own trail while finding snippets of joy and bits of happiness along the way.
Click on one of the images below and start finding your own happy!
Find reasons to celebrate every single day. Don’t just wait for the weekend. Finding random holidays to celebrate adds joy to your life in small ways.
Here you’ll find journal prompt ideas to make the most of your memories and reflect on the good things in your life.
The entries in “Find Your Happy” are some of the hardest posts for me to share, especially the Health Journey page. But I finally decided to share my journey in hopes that you would find inspiration and help you start your own health journey.
I can’t wait to start armchair traveling. I came up with this idea because I want to visit around the world. Life circumstances (kids, jobs, etc.) don’t align with these goals right now. But that doesn’t mean I can’t dream! I’ll share my inspiration and travel bucket list. I’d love to know about your travels & favorite places you’ve discovered.