Expecting Perfection
Here’s some inspiration from #homwork from the lettering community aficionado. This #homwork assignment was to letter a phrase elegantly that was kind of dirty or ugly. My expression was “Expecting Perfection Always”. A little about the creator of #homwork: she inspires thousands of people to use their imaginations and create something unique. That’s what my monthly challenges are about as well! Create your own works, be your own self, but expecting perfection is not a requirement.
Become a Master
To become a master of a craft or skill, it takes 10,000 hours or roughly 10 years of practice. That’s what I’d always learned, and doing a light bit of research confirmed that 10,000 hours is the consensus to become a master. Whether it takes 1000 hours or 10,000 hours, we are not perfect in just a few tries.
I think we get stuck with expecting perfection at all times, but until we have put in those 10,000 hours to become a master, we need to give ourselves a little slack. And After those 10,000 hours, we will be a master of our own craft, and I believe it is at that point we will know that mistakes still happen. But we will have spent the time to know when to scrap our work and when to continue because it just needs refinement.
Why are We Not Equal?
We are willing to allow others to make mistakes, but not ourselves? Or forgive someone else when they’ve wronged us directly?
Why don’t we give ourselves that same break? That is a question I have asked myself for a very long time. Longer than I care to admit.
I believe that life is a journey and in that winding road of life, there are setbacks and lots of mistakes. Don’t get lost on NOT being perfect, instead, focus on learning from mistakes. My favorite mistakes to learn from are the mistakes of others. 🙂 That way I don’t have to make all the mistakes. If they outright tell me what mistakes they made and what they learned – even better!
OK but seriously, your drawing of perfection IS perfection! I love it! Have you thought about selling stickers on Etsy? I just started digital planning, post to come shortly, and I know folks would go nuts for your style. I would totally buy them! And they are super easy to make, especially if you have an iPad and pencil. I just bought one over the weekend, and I am obsessed. OB-SESSED! But if you don’t, you could sell physical planner stickers!
Ani Kay recently posted…Coffee and Cake Catch Up: The Seattle Edition
I’ve thought of getting to that point! I don’t have the equipment…yet. I’m trying to get my dang student loans paid off, we just paid off the credit cards and I’m in no hurry to add extra debt to my life. I WOULD LOVE to start making stickers and want to jump on that bandwagon ASAP. BTW, so excited to see your digital plans. I’ve only seen a couple and want to see some more of this magic.