Need some ideas for quick and easy monthly themes in your bullet journal (creative planner)? Has your inspiration run dry? I’ve got some great ideas for you! These bullet journal theme ideas are easy and quick and might help restore your inspiration.
Creative Planning – It’s Not a Need, but I Like It
I sit here tapping one finger on the keyboard. What to write? I hate when the inspiration is slow. The same goes for creating monthly themes in my bullet journal. I know I don’t need a monthly theme, but I like it.
Sometimes the monthly theme is the inspiration behind new products or other creative ventures. But what happens when you sit with your head in your hands, tapping the end of your pencil with nothing squeaking through the inspiration pipes?
If you like to use a monthly theme, you get it. If that inspiration pond runs dry, it’s hard to feel motivated in your bullet journal. I compiled several simple yet creative theme ideas for your bullet journal.
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Why Do I Use Creative Bullet Journal Themes?
For me, a monthly theme spurs other ideas. I get to try creating something that I might not normally try. And since I create monthly, weekly, and a lot more for each month, it pushes my creativity beyond what I might find by painting a single piece. Sometimes I like my little bullet journal doodles enough to paint something bigger or better.
Here are a few of my products that have come about because of creative monthly themes. Ironically, most are functional planning stickers because I wanted to spend time creating the theme side rather than writing numbers.
(trucks, number lines, etc., flower wreaths).
Easy Themes for Your Bullet Journal
When you’re stuck for inspiration, here are a few ideas. First of all, these ideas are easy. Secondly, they don’t take much effort for a big impact. So go ahead, give them a try.
Here’s the thing with wreaths – you don’t have to add anything to them if you don’t want to. Make them scribble-y or perfect circles, and add leaves, flowers, dots, or nothing. Circles without flowers or leaves or other designs are great, too! I drew in florals for the August 2022 post and then added very loose watercolor on top. No need for precision!
Check out these posts:

I love circles. You can turn the circles into so many other things (wreaths, buttons, bubbles, paint drops, and so much more) or leave them as circles. You can make perfect circles with a circle maker or messy, imperfect circles. Either way, circles are a great choice for an easy bullet journal theme.
Check Out These Posts:
How To Create Circles in Your Bullet Journal

Rectangles (One of the Easiest Themes for Your Bullet Journal!)
Stay with me for a minute on this one. The basis of most planning designs is rectangles or squares. But if you vary where each top of the rectangle starts – you can create a fun yet very simple (and easy!) design in your bullet journal.
I used uniform rectangle boxes in these layouts and added circular wreath stickers to dress up the page.

Check out this Plan-With-Me, where I used the same size boxes each week but changed the placement and layout. I used various rectangles in these spreads to create the week’s layout. You can add other decorations or not. These are quick and easy weekly layouts. As you can see, some of my favorite methods.

Add your normal boxes or layout to your monthly/weekly bullet journal spreads, then use a highlighter or marker to add stripes to the sides and behind the box. This is a great way to add a bit of color.
How to Create (and Use) One Line Per Day

Torn Paper
Create an easy color splash by tearing strips of colorful paper or scrapbook paper and gluing them in your notebook.

Papercraft Skyline
Cut out rectangle shapes and arrange them like buildings on your page—very easy and crafty theme to add to your bullet journal pages.
Like the idea of creating a cityscape? Check out this post.

Washi Tape
Using washi tape is another great way to dress up your bullet journal spreads without investing much time or artistry into your planner spreads.

Super Simple Connected Line Cursive
Yep. I made up the name for that one, but I think the description is spot on. Write out the name, day, or whatever you’re using as a header – connect the line to the text, and you have a fancy yet simple theme in your bullet journal.

Easy Shadows
Add your basic shapes or text, then use a light marker or highlighter to add a shadow to your words or design. Make this theme as easy or as complicated as you like. Add multiple layers for a retro feel to your design.
Check out this post: How to easily create faded drop shadows with Tombow markers.

Color Theme – VERY Easy Theme for Your Bullet Journal
Choose two colors (or three) and make ‘swipes’ with a marker or paintbrush. Add the days of the week, and you’re done.

Why Creative Monthly Themes
Technically, you don’t have to use a monthly theme. In fact, if you use the original bullet journal method, there are no calendars (other than a monthly log), weeklies, or themes. I think of the original method as more of a running tally of all the things. A running tally isn’t bad, but it’s not what I need. I need a place to be creative.
I certainly subscribe to the more creative side of bullet journaling (in fact, I would call it more creative planning rather than bullet journaling, but that’s a different story for a different time).
When All Else Fails In Your Pursuit of an Easy Bullet Journal Theme
When all else fails, stop looking for an easy theme for your bullet journal. Sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? But hear me out. Browse Pinterest, but not in your usual ‘Bullet Journal Theme’ search. Think of something that caught your eye recently, a bird, a flower, or a sign, and search for that object instead. While you’re browsing, look at the other elements that people use – maybe they use a starburst pattern or certain colors or geometric shapes. Jot down the things that you like about the art you see.
Perhaps it’s a bold header or a certain font. It’s not about the object you searched for. It’s about seeing inspirational elements through everything (although if you like the object enough – you might have stumbled upon your next bullet journal theme without realizing it).
Here’s what I recommend: Keep a list of themes you’d like to try. That way, you have ready-made, easy bullet journal themes at your fingertips.

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