This month’s creative challenge is all about those wonderful fall words, and what’s a better way to celebrate these fall words than with a Fall Bingo Word Challenge?
All About Fall Words Bingo Challenge List

Hello Fall! I’ve missed you! I created a fun way to show my love for the fall season for this month’s creative challenge.
You might notice that there are more prompts than days in the month – no, I didn’t lose track. To create a proper bingo board for the Fall Challenge this month, I needed to have the same number of rows & columns. So, instead of taking away some prompts, I decided to add to the list! Of course, the big perk of a bingo board is that you can choose the prompt for the day. Extra bonus points for filling in the entire bingo sheet.
Here are this month’s All About Fall Bingo Challenge Words:
- Pumpkin
- Apple Pie
- Corn Maze
- Jack O’Lantern
- Orchard
- Changing Colors
- Hayride
- Baking
- Football
- Moon
- Jacket
- Candy corn
- Brisk
- Festival
- School
- Crow
- Corn
- Apple Picking
- Harvest
- Scarecrow
- Pumpkin Spice
- Autumn
- Foliage
- Crisp
- Sweater Weather
- Apple Cider
- Bonfire
- Leaves
- Bounty
- Frost
- Rustling
- Flannel
- Cozy
- Chili
- Crunching
- Bounty
How to Participate:
Not sure how to participate in a creative challenge? No worries. These are not hard or fast rules – the challenge is meant to inspire you and remove the art block we sometimes feel when creating.
- If you’re on Instagram – find me & follow me @ChocolateMusingsCreates
- Download the creative challenge prompts list (right-click on the image to save it and print it for reference). Or do a screenshot on your phone to save the prompts.
- Every day letter, draw, paint or create something to do with the daily prompt.
- You can use your regular style or add a bit of flair and try a new doodle or style!
- Snap a picture and post your creation to Instagram – tag me @ChocolateMusingsCreates and use the hashtag #FindYourCreativeMuse – I’ll choose a few of my favorites and share them!
- I’m also on Facebook so that you can post and tag my page. Find me at facebook.com/ChocolateMusings.
- Follow the hashtag and like and comment on others’ creations as well. I LOVE the community that these lettering challenges create.
- Choose a few Fall words from the challenge, or do them all! It’s meant to challenge you and expand your creativity.
- Most importantly, have fun!
You can right click on the image below and print it out. (This one is in black and white so you don’t use all your printer ink!)

Fall Colors to Inspire Your Challenge
Fall lays claim to stunning color combinations. I know so many people who plan trips (both long and short!) specifically to see the fall foliage. Here are a few colors inspired by the fall foliage and seasonal color scheme to help inspire your creative process.
- Red
- Yellow
- Gold
- Orange
- Pumpkin
- Purple
- Russet
- Scarlet
- Amber
- Forest Green

What to Do & Ideas for Creating
Here are some ideas to get you started with this challenge creating using these fall-themed words.
Paint a Christmas card or a fall scene to hang in your home for the season. Use the challenge word as a background for your art or lettering. You can always use art as an overlay for your other creations. Try to create as many as you like or spend a few days experimenting with a particular word.
Create monograms with the various fall words painted or drawn embedded as a design or create an overlay for another design like squares or circles.
What I Love About Creative Challenges
What I love about creative challenges like this fall words challenge – even if you happen on this challenge after it’s posted and finished on Instagram, there’s nothing keeping you from using these prompts to create later on.
Using a combination of daily and style prompts is one of my favorite ways to experiment and try new styles. A few years ago, when I started to handletter, prompts like this got me to try flourishing when I never would before.
Use this fall words challenge to look at color, patterns, and values, and add a bit of flair to your projects.
Happy creating, and remember to have fun!
Find Other Creative Challenges
Supplies Perfect for this Creative Challenge
- Acrylograph Acrylic Markers – Archer & Olive
- Coliro Finetec Iridescent Pearlcolors Watercolor Paints
- Dr PH Martin’s Bleed Proof White
- Dr PH Martins Iridescent Calligraphy Ink
- Karin Decobrush Metallic
- Metallic Acrylograph Pens
- Pentel Gold Gel Pen
- Sakura White Gelly Roll Pens
- Uniball Broad Tip Gel Pens – White, Gold & Silver
- 12″ Helix Circle Ruler
One of my favorite circle maker tools!
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - 12″ Metal Ruler with Cork Base
- 12″ Rolling Ruler
- 15-Minute Watercolor Masterpieces
>> Link to Product Amazon - 6″ Metal Ruler with Cork Base
- 6″ Rolling Ruler
- Acrylograph Acrylic Markers – Archer & Olive
- Arches Watercolor Block 140lb 9×12
- Arches Watercolor Paper Pad 140lb 9×12″
- Art Graf – Pack of 2 Pencils with Soft Lead
- Chalkola Gouache Paint Set – 36 Count + Brushes & Palette
- Crayola Super Tips Marker Set – 100 Count
- Dr PH Martin’s Bleed Proof White
- Draw Like an Artist: 100 Flowers and Plants
- Faber-Castel Watercolor Pencil Tin (24-Pack)
- Marie’s Travel Paint Set – 18 Colors
- Marie’s Watercolor Paint Set – 48 Half Pans
- MeiLiang Watercolor Paints – 36 Colors – Fun Beginner Paints
- Paper mate White Pearl Eraser (Latex Free)
- Papermate InkJoy Pens (all versions)
- Paul Reuben Glitter Metallic Watercolor 48 Colors
- Paul Reubens Watercolor Paint Metallic Glitter – 24 Color
- Pencil/Pen Case
- Pentel Gold Gel Pen
- Pentel Sharp Mechanical Pencil .7mm Metallic
- Pentel Touch Pen
- Princeton Heritage Series 4050 Synthetic Sable Watercolor Brushes
- Princeton Heritage Synthetic Sable Paint Brushes
- Sakura Pigma Micron Fineliner Pens – Waterproof – 10 Sizes
- Sakura White Gelly Roll Pens
- Strathmore Softcover Watercolor Art Journal
- Strathmore Watercolor Journal – Wire Bound 5.5×8
- The Pigeon Letters Paint Brushes
- Tombow Dual Brush Pens (ALL OF THEM!)
- Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen – Hard/Soft Tip Set
- Watercolor Water Pens
- Zebra Mildliner Highlighters
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