Here is my 2022 Christmas Watercolor Wishlist! Each year for Christmas, my husband likes me to send him a list of items I’d love. He doesn’t like me to send a small list because then I’d know what’s under the tree (I’m really good at guessing). This year, I decided to share my wishlist with you and include items that a budding watercolor artist would enjoy. I’ll also add a Bullet Journal Christmas wishlist as well. I hope some of these products inspire you – either for yourself or someone who likes to watercolor paint or bullet journal (or both!).
I don’t consider myself a beginner when it comes to watercolor. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like to study techniques. I’m a self-taught artist with a few art classes scattered throughout high school and college, so there are LOTS of things I don’t know.
No matter where you (or your loved one) fall on the progression scale, I’m sure you’ll find something that suits your skill level or desire to improve in my 2021 Christmas Watercolor Wishlist. Whether you are an observer, an absolute beginner, a beginning dabbler, or someone with intermediate skills, I’m excited to share this wishlist with you and think you’ll find some fantastic products to add to your Christmas Watercolor Wishlist as well.
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Watercolor Paint – Christmas Wishlist Tips

When shopping for paint, if the person you’re shopping for already has some supplies, get a list of what they already have OR what paint colors they want. Maybe they’ve had their eye on a particular Daniel Smith paint tube. Paint tubes are pricey (they last a long time, especially if you can fill half-pans with the tubes) but pricey upfront nonetheless.
I love my Daniel Smith paints, but it all depends on what they have already. In general, the more expensive paints, the better they will be. If you can opt for artists’ grade or professional grade paints. Believe me. The paint tubes go farther than you imagined.
If you’d like to start with just a few colors, opt for a mixing set or start with pre-filled pans. Don’t try to get all the colors all at once.
By the way, you’d also be surprised at how much paint you can get from a dot card sampler set. The dot cards are a very good way to test colors and see which ones are your favorites. It’s how I determined which paints to add to my wishlist and which ones I don’t care much for.
- Dr. Ph Martin’s Iridescent Copperplate Gold
My go-to favorite gold paint!
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Coliro Finetec Iridescent Pearlcolors Watercolor Paints
- Daniel Smith – 15 Half Pans Ultimate Mixing Set
- Daniel Smith – 238 Watercolor Dot Color Chart
- Daniel Smith – Essentials Mixing Watercolor Set
- Daniel Smith – Introductory Essentials Watercolors with 6 Tubes
- Daniel Smith Watercolor Paints
- Daniel Smith – Payne’s Gray 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Daniel Smith – Raw Umber 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product
>> Link to Product - Daniel Smith – Rose of Ultramarine 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Dr PH Martin’s Bleed Proof White
- Marie’s Travel Paint Set – 18 Colors
- Marie’s Watercolor Paint Set – 48 Half Pans
- Meeden Travel Fold Out Watercolor Paint Set
- MeiLiang Watercolor Paints – 36 Colors – Fun Beginner Paints
- Paul Reuben Glitter Metallic Watercolor 48 Colors
- Paul Reubens Watercolor Paint Metallic Glitter – 24 Color
- Daniel Smith – Amethyst Genuine
>> Link to Product Amazon - Daniel Smith – Buff Titanium 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Daniel Smith – Deep Sap Green
>> Link to Product Amazon - Daniel Smith – Imperial Purple
>> Link to Product Amazon - Daniel Smith – Cobalt Blue 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Daniel Smith – Indigo 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Daniel Smith – Payne’s Gray 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Daniel Smith – Quinacridone Rose 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product
>> Link to Product - Daniel Smith – Raw Sienna 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Daniel Smith – Raw Umber 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product
>> Link to Product - Daniel Smith – Rose of Ultramarine 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Daniel Smith – Sap Green 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product
>> Link to Product - Daniel Smith – Yellow Ochre 5 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com
- Daniel Smith – Phthalo Blue Green Shade 15 ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Daniel Smith – Raw Sienna Light 15ml Tube
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com
- Dr. Ph Martin’s Iridescent Copperplate Gold
My go-to favorite gold paint!
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com
Watercolor Paper

Paper is something you’ll probably develop your own preference for. However, getting started can be somewhat daunting. First of all, yes. It needs to be paper specifically designed to handle watercolor.
Here are two types to try:
Canson Cold Pressed paper & Arches Cold Pressed paper. Those are my selections for getting started. But if you want to give (or get!) something different than you might buy for yourself – consider a watercolor block with a cover or an art journal. Similar to the Paul Rubens Watercolor Paper Block or the Strathmore Watercolor Art Journal. For some reason, these two products feel…special. Which is what’s intended in a gift, right?
Arches paper can seem a bit intimidating because of its cost. But it accepts paints beautifully, in my opinion. There is a different feel switching from cotton paper to pulp paper (not cotton). Give your inner artist a chance to try the ‘expensive’ paper.
Side note: I was also surprised at the good quality of the Arteza cotton paper.
The difference between a watercolor pad and a watercolor block is that the block is glued together on all sides, so only the top page is accessible at once. It creates a better surface to use a lot more water since the pages don’t buckle. Keep in mind that there are ways or alternatives when using a paper pad.
- Arches Cold Press Paper Pad – 10×14
This size trims to 5x7 perfectly!
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Arches Watercolor Block 140lb 9×12
- Arches Watercolor Paper Pad 140lb 9×12″
- Arteza Watercolor Paper Pad 9×12″ 140lb
- Canson XL Watercolor Pads 140 lb Watercolor Paper (9×12) – other sizes avail. in the link
- Paul Rubens Watercolor Journal – Travel Art Journal – Field Notebook Style 7.6×5.3
- Paul Rubens Watercolor Paper Block 15.4×10.6″ 140 lb
- Strathmore Softcover Watercolor Art Journal
- Strathmore Watercolor Journal – Wire Bound 5.5×8
Watercolor Brushes

Just like your paper, your paintbrushes can make or break your painting. I love my Princeton brushes. I also have a set from The Pigeon Letters that I love to use as well. There are a few other types that I’ve enjoyed listed below, too.
Whichever set you settle on, take care of your brushes. Please don’t leave them in the water or smash them on the bottom of your water cups. Take care of them!
I don’t often use water pain pens anymore, but they are fun for travel and other situations.
Other Watercolor Supplies – a Perfect Addition to a 2021 Christmas Wishlist

I love to use watercolor pencils for my base sketches before watercolor painting. The watercolor pencil marks fade away with water, so no annoying pencil lines are showing through my finished painting, making them worthwhile. I wouldn’t say I like to use watercolor pencils exclusively – so having a few pencils is all I need.
Of course, if the artist you are shopping for wants to try watercolor pencils, who am I to tell them no? Here are some great watercolor pencils that would go great under someone’s Christmas tree or add to your wishlist.
I’ve also included some other watercolor supplies that make me very happy. Empty tins for making your own palettes and empty half-pans for pouring your own paint and making a customized watercolor paint palette. Yes, these are some of my favorite things.
If empty watercolor half-pan wells end up on your watercolor Christmas wishlist this year, get the kind with magnets. That way, you can choose if you want to use the brackets in the tin or if you’d rather arrange them as you please.
- Ceramic Paint Palette – Large 17 Wells + 2 Large Mixing Areas
- Ceramic Paint Palette – Large Square – 32 Wells + Mixing Area
- Ceramic Paint Palette – Medium
- Ceramic Paint Palette with 7 Wells 9.5″
- Empty Watercolor Half Pans
- Empty Watercolor Tins – With and Without Half-Pans
- Kimberly Watercolor Pencil Neutral
- Masking Tape
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - Watercolor Ground – Transparent
- Winsor & Newton Masking Fluid
Drawing Pencils & Erasers – Essentials for a Watercolor Christmas Wishlist

Watercolor is more than just slapping paint on paper. Many times you have to plan out your piece, which means sketching, measuring, and other things. Of course, these are just preparation before using your paints. But depending on your subject matter, preparation makes all the difference.
Fineliner Pens (Waterproof)

You may wonder why I listed fine liner pens in my Watercolor Christmas Wishlist. You can use waterproof pens for lots of techniques in a watercolor painting. For one, draw a line drawing directly on the paper and then do watercolor washes over the top. Another way is to paint abstract colors/shapes in the background, and then once the paint is dry, draw over them with a fine-liner pen. Adding details to a nearly-finished painting or outlines to the edges of your painting to your drawings are also fun techniques.

The Helix circle maker tool is hands down one of my top favorite tools. This circle maker tool is both for bullet journals & watercolor painting – this simple yet amazing tool is always a favorite. Yet, having a good ruler is always necessary. I’m partial to the metal rulers with cork backers.
Have you ever tried a rolling ruler? They’re magical.
- 12″ Helix Circle Ruler
One of my favorite circle maker tools!
>> Link to Product Amazon
>> Link to Product Blick.com - 12″ Metal Ruler with Cork Base
- 12″ Rolling Ruler
- 6″ Metal Ruler with Cork Base
- 6″ Rolling Ruler
- Circle Maker – Helix Angle Maker (one of my favorite tools ever!)
Skillshare – Learn all the Skills

Although YouTube is great, I LOVE Skillshare and feel like I get so much more out of the Skillshare lessons I take. I try to take at least one lesson per week. And it’s not just watercoloring. I love Procreate Art lessons on the iPad, time management, creative practice, and so many more.
Skillshare is a great option if you’re looking for a great gift for a creative loved one – no matter their skill level.
Watercolor Tutorial Books – Perfect for your 2021 Christmas Wish list

I also love watercolor books. Even though I have several watercolor books already, there are a few more that make my 2021 Christmas Wishlist.
- 15-Minute Watercolor Masterpieces
>> Link to Product Amazon - Adeline Fletcher – Watercolor Books from A to Z
- Ana Victoria Calderon – Watercolor Books
- Hello Watercolor! Watercolor Book – Creative Techniques and Inspiring Projects for the Beginning Artist
- Jenna Rainey – Watercolor Books
- Marina Bakasova – Watercolor Books
- No-Fail Watercolor: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Painting with Confidence
A Little Summary About the Artists From This List – My Opinion, Of Course
Jeannie Dickson
Jeannie Dickson is one of my favorite watercolor artists. She’s fascinating to watch and very inspiring. Any of her products would be a great gift.
Anna Victory Calderon
Ana Victoria Calderon is another one of my favorite watercolor artists, and she has so many amazing watercolor technique books available. I purchased a class from her on Domestika. In this class, she spoke in Spanish, and the subtitles were in English, so I had to pay extra attention to the class; otherwise, I’d miss everything. It was one of the most difficult classes I’ve seen simply because I had to read everything quickly (I even slowed it down a little!). But it’s also one of the classes that I learned the most.
Jenna Rainey
Jenna Rainey’s books look interesting as well. I don’t know if I could purchase something from her, but if I got it as a gift, I might use it.
Side Note: You might be wondering why I’d say that I couldn’t purchase from her. She shared one time that she acquired a box of artist supplies through a mistake that her moving company made. She ended up with someone else’s prized art supplies. I don’t know the whole story; perhaps she tried to find the original owner through the moving company. But I know if I lost my box of art supplies when I moved, I would be devastated. I wouldn’t have an issue if she tried to find the original owner. The box of supplies changed her life. I’m all for life-changing moments but not at someone else’s expense.
Anna Koladych
Anna Koladych – I own her 15-minute watercolor masterpieces book. The easy approach to the varied techniques in her book makes watercolors approachable. I think if I got into Guache or Oil Pastels – I’m sure these books would be wonderful.
Marina Bakasova
Marina Bakasova – What a fun, whimsical style she has! Watercolor Success in Four Steps looks intriguing, and I certainly love the loose, whimsical style she shows.
No-Fail Watercolor: The ultimate beginner’s guide to painting with confidence – By Mako. Mako is absolutely one of my favorite YouTube artists. She has this way of making you feel at ease while explaining her techniques. You best believe that I will be on the lookout for more books and resources from this artist.
Adelene Fletcher
After stumbling upon Adelene Fletcher’s watercolor books, I knew I needed to add some of these to my 2021 Christmas Watercolor wishlist. With a series of various paintings from A to Z and another series using pocket palettes, I would be excited to explore the watercolor world through her books.
Step-By-Step Floral Drawing Books & Flower Reference Books

I think that step-by-step books are a great place to start. Especially when the subject matter is flowers. So if you’re shopping for a budding artist or you are a budding artist, add some step-by-step drawing books to your Christmas watercolor wishlist.
I already own several floral drawing and reference books. In fact, here’s a post with my top favorite flower books. I’ve expanded my list of flower reference books below, and I’m excited to share them.
Beyond step-by-step flower drawing books, I love floral reference books. My favorite books provide photographs and artist’s drawing of the books. I find that the artists’ drawings help me see the most important parts of the flowers, making drawing each flower easier.
What’s on Your Watercolor Christmas List this Year?
So now that I’ve shared my wishlist and favorite watercolor supplies. I’d love to know… what’s on your watercolor Christmas wishlist for this year? Be sure to pin the image for later. You know, you don’t have to make a wishlist ONLY at Christmas, right?

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