Life is Passing by so Fast! Keep Life on Track.
Ah yes. November is zipping by. November is great here in the states because the focus seems to shift to gratitude. A whole month dedicated to gratitude. And food. But it really is a nice time to reflect on the year gone by.
One thing I am thankful for – my planner. It keeps my life on track because I don’t just watch it pass by. I may seem like I have my nose stuck in my planner all day; but in reality, I plan at night when the kids are in bed as my creative release. My planner actually reminds me to put down my phone and have ‘kid time’ and enjoy their moments.

If We Could Just Pause Time
My husband was talking to my two oldest children – they were trying to both climb on his lap. He told them that they were getting so big that they weren’t going to fit anymore and he would like for them to stop growing up right now. Needless to say, the 6 and 8-year-old were not agreeable to that notion. They look forward to all the things in their life. They have so many possibilities to look forward to! But as their parents, we know that this time is all too fleeting.
I included ‘kid time’ as part of my habit trackers. This has spurred me to play outside with them, invent games, read with them, I remember to put my phone down and live in the moment as their childhood flits by. I am not missing it and for that I am grateful.

Weekly Spread Design
I created this layout in kind with the other weeks in November. Minimal with a lot of white space. The 12×12 boxes seem to work well when I want enough room to plan for each day’s activities and still leaves ample space for doodling or writing in between. The extra box on the bottom right is just for symmetry. Last week I was all about the asymmetry. This week, the rows are nice and even and very symmetrical.
One thing I would do differently if I were to use this spread again – is I would start with Monday and label the days across the two pages to Thursday then start with Friday under Monday. Instead of Wednesday underneath Monday (see the picture versus the digital measurements below). I think it would flow better. It’s what I get for doing a ‘Plan With Me Video’. Sometimes on video things are not as clear as they would be when it’s just you planning. View the video here in the monthly setup post.
I enjoy these weekly layouts, just like I am enjoying life right now.
Guess what?
Life is happening now. And I am not letting it just pass me by. I am enjoying every moment.
I hope you remember to plan your life so you live beautifully and don’t let life pass you by either.