3 Things to Learn From Your Friend’s Weight Loss Journey {& How You Can Apply It to Your Own Goals}

Here are 3 ways you can learn from your friend’s weight loss journey. Well, these are ways that I’ve learned from my friend’s experience. I hope by sharing what I’ve learned, you will find some motivation to tackle a big, looming goal in your life, whether it’s weight loss or not. I believe we can all learn from our friends. Here’s what I’ve learned (so far) from my friend’s weight loss journey.
Use a Fresh Start to Make a Fresh Start
Do you find it harder to focus on your health goals in the summer? I do. Usually, I take summertime as an excuse to do what I want without regards to previous set goals. With the dawn of a new schedule due to school back in, I want to refocus my efforts.
To succeed, I need to make fitness & weight loss a habit and learn a few things from my friend’s journeys in the meantime.

Motivation From Others
Creating a healthy habit takes time and sometimes, a great example. My friend, Ani, over at allthatlifestuff.com didn’t let down her guard over the summer, and her motivation and focus are really inspiring! I signed up for the program she’s on (even though I’ve done it in the past) and used some of her techniques to change my daily eating regimen.
She’s using a point system and tries to find meals or food that cost 0 points. If you get used to eating the foods that are lower points and you’ll have better success.
What I’ve Learned From My Friend’s Weight Loss: Share With Others
Sharing is HARD!
One of the hardest things for me to do (and I learned to gain confidence because of my friend) is to share. Sharing this very personal part of my life is oh-so difficult. I hope that by me sharing, I am passing on the goodness I’ve learned from my friend’s weight loss journey and give you whatever motivation you need to take on a big goal in your life.
Train your mind and create a weight loss habit, and you’ll succeed over time. I’ve always tried to find a way to cheat in the past. My mindset would revert to “what can I get away with?” Don’t make an exception. Decide if you want it or not. If you do, then do it.
Things to Learn From Friend’s Weight Loss: Don’t Try to Make an Exception Out of Everything.

Do you have a goal in your life where your mindset works against your progress? (Not Necessarily Weight Loss)

Change of Ideals & Focus
After reading Ani’s blog posts, I didn’t want to get away with anything anymore. 17 days in, and I’ve successfully been below my point allotment every single day. Even the day that my boss made me Key Lime Pie for my birthday and I had a huge slice. I’m down 10+ lbs and excited for more.
On the day that I had the pie, I didn’t want to eat it (it was my 4th day in), but I didn’t want to be rude. So I figured out the points and knew what I had left to spend for the day, and I adjusted. I find that when I’m required to be too rigid, I usually snap.
Things to Learn From Friend’s Weight Loss: Focus

Past Programs – Past Experience
I couldn’t bring myself to do Whole30 again after I successfully completed 30 days because I felt like I was depriving myself and tried to rationalize the choices I was making.
Any time I start rationalizing, I know it’s not going to last very long. At the end of two weeks for many diets or programs is when most people face their demons – do they want to continue or not? I don’t feel any demons, at least, not yet.
Things to Learn From Friend’s Weight Loss: Don’t Make Excuses!
Learn & Build
But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t learn from that experience. Many of the techniques, recipes, and foods I found work really well for my current project. Do you believe that any single diet or regimen is the answer? I think I’ve finally discovered that isn’t the case. I like to take ‘truths’ from different sources and put them together to make the result that will form a habit. To make something that ‘sticks’ in the end.
What I’ve Learned from My Friend’s Weight Loss Journey (So Far):
- Share it with others to push yourself forward & they will motivate you in return
- Focus on your goal
- Don’t see what you can ‘get away with,’ instead see how you can make the program (or schedule) work for you.
Do something every single day that reminds you of your big goal. Track your progress, create a habit in your life.
Choose someone in your life you can trust, and share your goal. Do not make exceptions for yourself.
You are the one who set this goal, so don’t act like someone else is forcing you to do it. Don’t try and ‘get away with decisions’. As I learned from my experience with Whole30, healthy living is a choice. Make your choice be to succeed with your goal.
This is what I learned from my friend’s weight loss journey. Leave me a comment of something you learned from your friends.

What goal are you working towards? Which family/friends will support you? Choose one (or several) to tell about your big goal. What small step can you take every single day to realize your dreams?
Find someone who motivates you and benefit on that motivation. Write down the things that they do to push forward in their own goals. How can you apply those principles to your life?
Simply informative and motivational post I was looking for thanks for effort please keep updating.
Thanks so much for your comment, Maria. I’m glad you found some inspiration.
You inspire me so much! So thankful to be part of each others’ tribe! xo
Anne Kepner recently posted…Best Portable Basketball Hoop 2019: Top 5 Reviews & Buying Guide
Thanks so much, Anne! I’m grateful to have friends along the way. They make the journey so much better.
I love this post! And thank you so much for the mention. It means the world to me to know that I’ve inspired you. Truly and humbly. And it inspires me right back! I learned that exercise and physical activity really matter, and they can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. My weight loss was pretty stagnant for a while, until I started exercising regularly. The running especially kicked my weight loss into gear! Now I’m three pounds away from goal weight, which is honestly something I didn’t think I’d achieve!
I’m so proud of you and your progress, and I’m excited to see where this journey takes you!
Great point, Ani! The exercise I want to build into my schedule are some toning exercises for my arms, tummy, and legs! I’m so impressed by your stamina and sticking to it. Keep it up, girl & super excited about your progress.
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